What is HIIT and how can it help you lose all your fat?

HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training ) is a type of high intensity cardiovascular training that has become very fashionable because it can be practiced in the gym, in the park or at home. But what is HIIT? What does it consist of? How can it help in burning fat?

What is HIIT?

Before going into details and explaining what HIIT is, it is important to note that it should not be confused with HIT or HICT . The first is a high intensity workout using loads or weights and the second is a high intensity circuit training.

HIIT consists of introducing short high intensity exercises among more relaxed ones. This type of training is one of the most effective for improving endurance and burning fat .

A High Intensity Interval Training lasts a maximum of 15 minutes and is very exhausting. Therefore, although it is very attractive and tempting for people who want to obtain quick results, it is recommended and advisable only to those who already have a solid physical base . Otherwise, injury may occur.

Parts of a HIIT workout

Such a training consists of three parts . All three are just as important and you can’t skip any:

  • Warm-up : prepares the body for the subsequent exercise. The duration must be a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10.
  • Effective work : combination of high intensity exercises with low intensity ones. The duration should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • Cooling down : helps the body return to the state before intense exercise. It is like a warm-up and the duration also ranges from 5 to 10 minutes.
Ejercicio de natación de alta intensidad

Exercises to get started in HIIT

Any cardiovascular exercise can be done with high intensity intervals. To get started in this type of training, you can use a treadmill, a rowing machine, an elliptical or a stationary bike, a stair climber, a pool or even the street itself.

If we opt for this last option, the ideal would be to start with a 5-minute warm-up and then intersperse 30 seconds of sprinting with another 30 seconds of jogging. The exercise ends with about 5 minutes of jogging to cool down.

Advanced exercises

When the initiation exercises are mastered to perfection and do not pose any physical difficulty, the level can be raised.

If we opt for running , sprint is interspersed with trot again, but the seconds will be progressively increased . That is, you will start with 15 seconds of sprint and 15 of trot, then 30 and 30, then 45 and 45 and, finally, 60 and 60. Another option is to maintain 60 seconds of jog at all times and increase the sprint from the 15 seconds to 90 from 15 to 15.

In case of choosing another type of exercise, the mechanics are the same. A few seconds of gentle exercise and others of high intensity.

All the benefits of HIIT

  • They prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Insulin sensitivity increases and muscle tissues become more receptive to glucose input and management. This will no longer accumulate so easily in the adipocyte.
  • Loss of fat.
  • Maintenance of muscle mass.
  • Mitochondrial density. More cellular energy is generated, which leads to a greater capacity for oxygen consumption.
  • You get more done in less time . Compared to other types of training, High Intensity Interval Training achieves a lot in a short time.
El hiit tiene varios beneficios

How does it help in burning fat?

According to several studies conducted on this type of cardiovascular training, when HIIT is practiced for a few weeks, it increases the ability to oxidize fat . In addition, it also activates the creation of mitochondria, which are cellular organelles that are responsible for supplying most of the energy necessary for cellular activity, that is, it improves the use of glucose . When glucose is metabolized, endurance improves ; When fat is metabolized, performance increases .

In addition, it has been observed that this type of cardiovascular exercise continues to act when the activity has finished.


To have a good weekly HIIT routine, it is best to do three sessions a week . They are not necessary more nor are they recommended because that could harm the body, remember that they are high intensity exercises, and if they are performed less, the same benefits will not be obtained.

A very common question that arises before exercising is better or worse fasting ? A healthy body is ready to exercise on an empty stomach. However, when we talk about HIIT, it is best not to rush at first. Better to eat something before launching into a new workout. It can be practiced on an empty stomach when there is accumulated experience and you are familiar with it. In the beginning, it is better to change your training times so that you can eat something earlier. Although it is not advisable to eat large amounts before practicing any sport. An energy bar or some nuts, for example, are a good snack for that moment.