What is climacteric and everything you need to know to overcome it

Changes in the frequency of the menstrual cycle, a tendency to gain weight despite maintaining the same diet, an increase in glucose and cholesterol levels, a decrease in sexual desire and a difference in the smell of sweat, are some of the signs of climacteric .

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) defines it as the phase of the aging process during which women go from their reproductive stage to the one that is no longer so.

This period in a woman’s life usually begins after the age of 45 and is accompanied by a series of hormonal, physical, functional and metabolic changes such as: alterations in her mood, anger easily, crying for no apparent reason and flaccidity of the tissues.

Experts clarify that the climacteric phase is prior to menopause and that today, these body processes have been lengthened due to changes in people’s lifestyle.

In order to control symptoms during this stage, doctors individually prescribe hormonal treatments that must have a beginning and an end.

The specialists make it clear that this process should not be considered a sign of decline, but rather a phenomenon that shows a possibility of study and improvement in the quality of life of mature women.

The geriatric gynecology consultation begins with these types of patients, who later may suffer from urinary incontinence along with aging of the urinary tract and breast neoplasms.

Psychological effects of climacteric

In a study carried out by the doctors of the obstetrics and gynecology service of the Hospital “La Inmaculada” de Huércal-Overa in Almeria, Andalusia, they point out that the estrogen deficit in the climacteric can cause sadness, irritability, difficulty in remembering recent events, lack of concentration and loss of libido.

Research shows that during the first years women can gain 2 kg of weight, although later it stabilizes if they eat a balanced diet and exercise routine.

But, apart from these changes attributed to hormones, there are other factors such as environmental factors , which in the opinion of the researchers have a greater influence on the female psyche, these are: the cooling of family affective relationships, a decrease in the sexual aspect, loss of the reproductive capacity and withdrawal from children, among others. It should be noted that family support at this stage is essential so that chronic depressive conditions are not generated.

Adequate diet for the climacteric phase

A report published on the web portal Revistafml.es emphasizes that during the climacteric there is an increased risk of suffering from cardiovascular and musculoskeletal problems , so a diet that includes 1000 grams of calcium per day thanks to low-fat dairy consumption, in addition to reducing the consumption of fat of vegetable origin is the most recommended.

The website of dietitians and nutritionists in Spain, warns that for women entering the climacteric phase, the ideal is to increase the consumption of liquids such as water, infusions and soups , eat nuts, tuna, salmon, sardines and other fish at least twice a week , increase the use of olive oil, vegetable fruits and legumes, as well as avoid canned foods and very sweet foods.

Exercise during climacteric


Exercising is important at any stage of life and the climacteric is no exception, since it is proven that physical activity improves the cardiovascular, pulmonary and bone systems, reduces tension, improves sleep cycles, reduces anxiety and depression, and increases self-esteem .

The sports recommendations for women who are going through this phase are from 45 minutes to two hours of activity 3 to 5 times a week, performing routines such as the following:

  1. Stretch and warm up all parts of the body for about 10 minutes.
  2. Do low-impact aerobic exercises , such as the step.
  3. The activities should be aimed at strengthening the breasts, pelvis, skin, bones and heart. In addition, the use of equipment and work on the track can be incorporated.
  4. End with relaxation: doing yoga, which is a good discipline to lower muscle tension; or listening to instrumental music or sounds of nature , combined with adequate breathing .

Personal recommendations

Regarding personal appearance, it is advisable to use a moisturizing cream for the body and face after showering. A natural gel dedicated to the genital area is also optimal to avoid the characteristic vaginal dryness in this class. Wear cotton clothing and do not use compresses if they are not necessary.

It is good to sunbathe in a few doses , trying to avoid the midday hours and use sunscreen.

Try not to use dyes when gray hair is visible too often and can hardly be disguised. The idea is to feel beautiful by enhancing natural attractiveness and without trying to look young at all costs.

In this phase the woman has more free time to be able to do everything that she liked and that at some point she stopped doing. Talk, go for a walk, read, go to the theater or the cinema, practice hobbies, exercise, travel … In conclusion, enjoy leisure time. Free time also helps you go through this stage in a more productive and enjoyable way than it may seem at first.