What happens in our body when we drink soda?

Many people consume soft drinks or soft drinks as if it were water. Some hide that they don't like water and need flavored drinks. The problem is that these soda drinks are more dangerous to health than we think.

Some components of carbonated drinks

Perhaps the gas is the least harmful to health compared to the other components that we usually find in these drinks. We tell you some of them and how they work in our body.

  • Phosphoric acid . It can interfere in the process of our body using calcium, that is, it can promote osteoporosis or weakening of the bones.
  • Caffeine Drinks with this substance cause nervousness, insomnia, elevated blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, etc.
  • Sugar . Sugar increases insulin levels, causing high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, and many more side effects.
  • Aspartame This chemical is used as a substitute for sugar in light or zero soft drinks. It is one of the most dangerous, since it contributes 92 different health side effects such as brain tumors, malformations, diabetes, emotional disorders and seizures.

What happens after drinking soda?

The Renegade Pharmacist portal conducted an investigation to find out the consequences of soft drinks such as cola, which are sugary and contain caffeine.

  • 10 minutes later . We have taken about 10 tablespoons of sugar, exceeding the limit of daily intake. We do not vomit instantly due to sweetness. Both phosphoric acid and other aromas cancel the flavor and allow us to continue as usual.
  • 20 minutes later . Sugar creates insulin spikes in the blood. The liver begins to convert sugar into fat.
  • 40 minutes later . In case it is a caffeinated drink, we will have absorbed it all. The pupils will dilate and our blood pressure will rise, since the liver contributes more sugar to the blood.
  • 45 minutes later . The body creates dopamine and stimulates the brain (a heroin-like effect is produced in the body).
  • 1 hour later . Phosphoric acid binds with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc in the intestine, and a new boost is produced in metabolism.
  • After 1 hour . The diuretic characteristics force us to expel the calcium, magnesium and zinc that we were going to contribute to the bones. A drop in sugar occurs and you can become a little irritable.