What are citrus fruits? Are they good for the body?

Currently we have dozens of different fruits, and among all of them, we have acidic fruits. They have a series of peculiarities that make them a double-edged sword, that is, they are highly beneficial for the body, but they can also do a lot of damage. We are going to explain which are acidic fruits, what contraindications they have and if they can be taken during pregnancy.

Acidic fruits go beyond lemon, orange and blueberries. They are fruits that belong to the Citrus genus that owes its name to the most abundant component in these fruits and that is citric acid.

Throughout this text we will explain in more detail why they are citrus fruits, we will also see the complete list with all the citrus fruits that we have at our disposal and finally we will see that, despite the benefits of these fruits, not all we can eat them and what consequences it has during pregnancy.

Citrus fruits are also known as acidic fruits, and it is the same reason, since they have a high content of citric acid, hence they are citric or acidic. But this goes much further and is that far from looking negative or unpleasant, they are very beneficial fruits for our body.

Why are they called citrus? They’re good?

We have already advanced some brushstrokes on the subject, and that is that acidic fruits owe their name to a component called citric acid. Since these fruits are rich in this acid and in vitamin C, they acquire that characteristic acid flavor. This type of fruit is also rich in potassium and fiber.

In short, these fruits have some of the fundamental pillars of our diet and they are vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps us inside and out, since with antioxidants we can reduce the impact of free radicals and improve the health of our skin. Not only that, but vitamin C also prevents us from degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s as it improves the function and connection of neurons.

When we have a common cold, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C helps us fight the symptoms. In addition, it reduces the chances of getting cancer.

Platos de frutas ácidas

With regard to potassium, this mineral is essential because the body needs it to function properly. It helps the functions of the nerves, the contraction of the muscles, the work of the heart, etc.

For its part, fiber prevents constipation, maintains intestinal health to the point of reducing the chances of colon cancer, controls blood sugar levels, reduces cholesterol, etc.

Answering the question, citrus is good for us . Nor should you be obsessed with the amounts (between 65 and 90 mg a day), since an excess of vitamin C causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, headaches and insomnia.

List of sour fruits

There are fruits that are clearly acidic or citric and they are the ones that we are going to see in the following list. Some will sound more familiar to us than others, and some of us may not know or identify them. As a recommendation, especially for fall and winter, it is advisable to buy several of these fruits to reduce the chances of suffering a common cold.

  • Oranges
  • Tangerines
  • Clementines.
  • Limes
  • Lemons.
  • Blueberries
  • Grapefruit.
  • Pineapple.
  • Acerola.
  • Plum.
  • Blackberry.
  • Citron.
  • Passion fruit.
  • Raspberry.
  • Pink grapefruit.
  • Currant.
  • Orange.
  • Lime.
  • Lemon.
  • Quince.
  • Strawberries.
  • Raspberries
  • Medlar.
  • Peach.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Tamarind.
  • Grapes.

Who should not eat citrus fruits?

The list of citrus fruits is long, and the vast majority of those fruits are the favorites of many adults and children, but not all of us can eat them. The ban is due to a number of health problems.

Vasos llenos de frutas cítricas

Although citric acid is not stronger than gastric juices, this competent of acidic fruits can cause gastritis, ulcers (stomach and mouth), reflux, abdominal distention, gas, lesions in the throat, inflammation of the esophagus, etc.

If we have any of these pathologies, it is best to see a doctor and start treatment. In addition, it would also be convenient to combine this treatment with a nutritionist who helps us eliminate the foods that harm us and give us equally healthy alternatives, but without damaging our digestive system.

On the contrary, if we do not have any of these conditions, we can eat citrus several times a week, but we should not do it while we have them. The latter is important, as we could make the situation worse and aggravate the damage and pain.

Acidic fruits and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very beautiful and delicate stage as well, although that depends more on the mother and her health than on the child. The funny thing about this stage in a woman’s life is that citrus fruits are not a drawback here.

Acidic fruits help pregnant women to eliminate nausea. This is because this group of fruits stimulates the formation of gastric acids and favors gastric emptying.

Not only that, but, as we have seen at the beginning of the text, these types of acidic fruits are rich in vitamin C, fiber and potassium, apart from folic acid and other important vitamins of group B. Folic acid or vitamin B9 It is essential for the correct development of the baby .

Potassium helps the development of the fetal nervous system; regulates muscle activity; maintains normal blood pressure; promotes the synthesis of proteins, among others.

Fiber is very necessary during pregnancy to avoid constipation processes, which are more common during the second and third trimesters. Constipation is not only a lack of evacuation, but it can lead to hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intestinal obstruction, colon cancer, etc.

You have to be very careful with these types of situations during pregnancy and without being pregnant, since constipation can lead to very serious situations, both in children and adults.