Ultimate Guide to L-Theanine

Many people have been drinking tea for thousands of years and thanks to modern science, we can understand why this simple drink has persisted over time.

Studies show that tea contains several molecules that prevent disease , improve mood, improve cognitive function, reduce feelings of stress, and prevent weight gain.

Among these molecules responsible for the benefits of tea are caffeine, polyphenols, which are substances produced by plants to protect you against radiation and various microorganisms that cause diseases, and the well -known L-theanine .

Learn more about this molecule and how it can help you health and fitness levels.

¿Qué es la L-Teanina?

What is L-theanine?

L-Theanine is an amino acid that is rarely found in food and is not essential for human life. Amino acids are small molecules that are used to make proteins. The “L-” refers to the structure of the amino acid and means that it can be used to create proteins.

This amino acid is structurally similar to the amino acid L-glutamine, so it is capable of affecting brain function and chemistry. It is found exclusively in tea and some mushrooms, but only in small amounts, leading it to become a popular supplement .

What effects does L-Theanine have on the body?

The main reason many people take L-theanine is because it promotes relaxation and improves both focus and concentration. Unlike other relaxing agents such as lemon balm, L-theanine does not cause drowsiness, so it is not classified as a sedative.

Therefore, this interesting combination of benefits means that L-theanine is taking advantage of other stimulants such as caffeine.

Efectos de la L-Teanina en el organismo

What are the main benefits of L-theanine?

L-theanine can benefit you in a number of ways, including physical and mental health, cognitive performance, and during physical exercise.

In terms of mental health benefits, L-theanine can protect against nerve damage and cognitive dysfunction, as well as improve memory and learning ability; in addition to reducing anxiety and depression.

In the case of athletes, performance increases during exercise due to better blood flow, thus reducing fatigue.

Among the more specific benefits of L-Theanine we can find the following

1. Helps fight cancer

L-Theanine lowers oxidative stress levels in the body , thus improving the effectiveness of cancer drugs, and helping to mitigate the side effects associated with some of the drugs.

Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and their ability to counteract their effects. If this condition persists, the risk of developing many types of the disease increases dramatically.

Beneficios de los suplementos de L-teanina

2. Lowers the risk of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly process glucose or sugar in the blood. Therefore a supplementation with L-theanine and zinc helps lower blood sugar levels, making it a valuable alternative for people with a family history of diabetes.

3. Prevents heart disease

Heart disease is the world’s leading cause of death, and L-theanine helps prevent it by lowering cholesterol levels and increasing the production of nitric oxide, which is a gas that widens blood vessels and improves blood flow.

Efecto de la L-teanina sobre la enfermedad cardíaca

4. Lowers blood pressure and stress levels

L-theanine is able to prevent L-glutamic acid from binding to receptors in the brain, helping to reduce anxiety and high blood pressure.

In addition, high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease, so this mechanism adds to the cardioprotective effects of L-theanine .

5. Improves mental and neurological health

L-theanine is able to cross the blood-brain barrier; This allows it to influence the activity of various neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers in the brain.

Therefore such chemicals affect cognitive performance, brain health, and mental well-being; which is why L-theanine has been shown to protect against neurological damage and the development of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

In addition, L-theanine stimulates the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which improves attention and memory function.

Rendimiento cognitivo y su relación con L-teanina

6. Improves the quality of sleep

Despite not having sedative properties, L-theanine has been shown to improve the quality of sleep . Apparently it is very good for improving both sleep efficiency and reducing movements during the night.

7. Stimulates the immune system

L-theanine helps the body to produce glutathione , an important antioxidant that protects against different diseases and dysfunctions.

Glutathione levels decline with age, which is why L-theanine is beneficial in preventing age-related impairment of the immune system.

11. Improves cognitive performance

Remember that L-theanine reduces oxidative stress in the body and improves brain function , which explains why it increases speed when performing mental tasks, as well as reducing the number of errors during its execution.

Beneficios de la L-Teanina para hacer deporte

Does L-Theanine increase performance during physical exercise?

The performance benefits of L-theanine are due to its positive effects on the brain and its ability to increase the concentration of glycogen in the liver, which is used as fuel when you exercise.

It also increases nitric oxide production, which in turn improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles. This is why you will find L-theanine in combination with caffeine in some supplements.

What is the recommended intake of L-theanine?

The proposed benefits of L-Theanine have been shown to begin to be seen when 100 to 200 mg of L-Theanine are ingested per day.

Ingesta recomendada de L-teanina

Does L-theanine have side effects?

Unlike most supplements, no side effects of L-theanine have been reported, even when taken in large amounts.

Furthermore, there are no known interactions of theanine with prescription or over-the-counter medications. However, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before supplementing with L-theanine if you are taking any medication.


Importantly, there are no pills or extracts that will make you slimmer and healthier . It is best to start with a balanced diet and exercise frequently. However, L-theanine supplements that can support you in your search for a better state of health.


  • Matthews, M. This Is the Definitive Guide to L-Theanine Supplementation. For Legionathletics [Revised August 2016]