Tricks to practice ice skating without injury

Ice skating is a great activity to stay active and enjoy being physically active. To enjoy a day of ice skating without any type of injury, you should follow the advice given in this article.

Ice skating

Ice skating is a sport that takes place on ice surfaces. The person practicing this exercise (skater or skater) must wear special clothing to avoid burns or skin erosions caused by ice. In addition, it is essential to practice it with special footwear that allows you to slide through the frozen carpet: ice skates. This footwear consists of a kind of leather boots, either natural or synthetic, which must have a relatively light wooden, metal or plastic heel.

Thanks to the blades, the gliding will be smooth and possible.

Although ice skating can be seen as a hobby, it is a sports discipline in which both physical and mental strength are required when practicing it.

What is an injury and how is it classified?

Injury is defined as damage that occurs in the body. It is a general term that refers to damage caused by accidents, falls, blows, burns, weapons and other causes …

Injury is a process that is unintentionally associated with sports and physical activity. In order to act correctly in the face of any pathology produced during exercise, the first thing that we must be clear about is the root of it and its location.

Classification of injuries

We can classify injuries into the following groups:


These types of injuries occur in the ligaments that surround the synovial joints of the body. The severity of these is highly variable.


Concussions are the most frequent sports injuries, regardless of the activity in which they occur or we practice.

They are produced mainly by blows to the surface of the body that compress the subcutaneous tissues and the skin.

They are usually accompanied by pain, stiffness, swelling, bruising (discoloration), and bruising (collection of blood).


They are injuries to the muscles, tendons or the junction between these two , commonly known as the musculotendinous junction. The severity of strains that occur in sports activities is very diverse.

Most common ice skating injuries

If you are an active skater, it is possible that you suffer, have suffered or will suffer any of the following injuries that we show you. Do not be afraid of falling: it is normal when learning . However, some injuries can bring out more than just a scratch, bruise, or bump.

Next, we are going to mention which are the most common injuries in skaters and what you should do to avoid them .

Ligament sprains

The tissue most exposed to injury in skating is usually the ligaments and tendons. Sprains of the lower body joints such as the ankles or knees are very common among practitioners of this sport.

Wrist and radius fractures

Falls are common in male and female figure skaters. These accidents often involve more serious injuries than a mere concussion. Among them are wrist and radius fractures.

Ankle injuries

The ankle is the joint most prone to injury. It is a very mobile joint that must support and balance our entire body. When we get on the skates, this joint is exposed to constant instability that can cause injury to the ankle.

Cracks and fractures in the coccyx

In falls, in addition to damaging the joints of the hands, cracks and fractures of the coccyx often occur. The risk of suffering this injury is increased when the fall occurs on the back , bringing the buttock to the ground.

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Tricks to practice skating without injuries

Injuries are unpredictable and we cannot know when they will arrive, but with the following tips you can alleviate the extent of them, and even prevent many of them.

Equip yourself appropriately

Proper equipment can help prevent injury from falls. Always wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. Wrist bands can also be a valid option to protect your wrists.

Choosing the size of the equipment is of vital importance to maintain bone and joint health . Avoid skates that are not your size.

Finally, in terms of equipment, we advise you to dispense with using cotton fabric since it does not absorb moisture well and the fabric remains open at all times.

Learn to brake correctly

Braking is essential to be able to enjoy an afternoon of skating without incident. You must control the technique of this action if you want to finish the day without any type of injury.

Train yourself to fall

Knowing how to land when we slip is essential to avoid injuring ourselves.

Rehearse the falls to gain dexterity the moment they happen . The ideal would be to fall sideways, trying to land first with your feet; and, once these are in contact with the ground, drop the rest of the body.

Heats up properly

The warm-up is essential whatever the sport you practice and should be present whenever you go to exercise. In this part of the training your body aims to perform the activity that you are going to develop in the most optimal way.

When you warm up, you are not only preventing injuries, but your exercise performance will be improved by having your joints lubricated and your cardiorespiratory system elevated.

Train strength

Strength training will not only provide you with benefits at the metabolic level, but at the muscular level it will make your muscles present more strength and can withstand greater intensities in training without suffering injuries.

Do stretches

Stretching will make your joints more mobile. A more mobile joint with a greater range of motion will resist injury much better.

Skate in bright, unobstructed places

Choosing the ideal place to practice is essential if you do not want to suffer any type of accident. Avoid skating in dark places with poor visibility or where obstacles may be encountered.

Skate calmly and without risking

It is normal to want to compare our skating style with that of the rest. This will encourage you to practice movements that you do not master and will increase the risk of injury.

Leave the ego at home, have fun within your means and don’t want to surprise anyone. It is preferable to skate near the safety fence and finish in perfect condition than to venture to the center of the track and end up injured.

Put yourself in the hands of a professional

If you are a novice / in the practice of this sport, we advise you to go to a professional and that he / she be the one to help you so that you can acquire the basic notions so that you can enjoy the experience in complete safety.


Ice skating is a great activity to improve your health and get out of inactivity; But, if you do not want to end up with an injury that makes it impossible for you to practice, you should pay attention to a series of essential tips for good sports practice.


  • Valverde, A. (@antoniovalverdefit) (July 31, 2018) Classification of injuries. (instagram image).
  • Vertigo designer. (March 16). The most common injuries in skaters.