Tricks to avoid heartburn and have better digestions

Heartburn is a kind of burning that starts in the stomach and goes up to the throat. At first it is not anything serious nor is it a reason to be alarmed, since it is usually due to poor digestion or a very abundant and heavy meal, but it is a very annoying sensation. However, there are ways to avoid heartburn and not suffer from that unpleasant burning sensation.

How to avoid heartburn

Foods against heartburn

Eating a proper diet can prevent heartburn. It has been proven that there are certain foods that have an antacid action and can soothe that annoying burning sensation. One of them is oatmeal , which is high in mucilage and softens the digestive mucosa by acting as a natural antacid. Ideally, leave it to soak overnight and eat it with apple in the morning. It can also be eaten boiled in soup. And the apple , in addition to being an ideal companion for oats, also works very well against heartburn because it is rich in pectin. In fact, it is considered the most effective natural antacid out there and can relieve burning at any time.

La manzana contra la acidez

Zucchini is also very good to calm heartburn because, like oatmeal, it contains mucilage. However, avoid eating it fried or in batter. Boiled is ideal for heavy digestions and other intestinal problems. Pumpkin is also very good products, which in addition to mucilage has beta-carotene and an emollient and protective effect on the digestive mucosa; the potato , which is steamed or roasted, is very digestive; and papaya , which helps break down protein, promotes digestion and prevents heartburn. The latter, if combined with banana, is even better.

Avoid large meals

Eating too much makes the stomach very full and this, in turn, slows digestion and delays emptying. This is what increases your risk of heartburn. If, in addition, the food has not been chewed well and has left in a hurry, the risk is even greater.

People prone to heartburn are advised to minimize highly seasoned dishes, fatty foods and some spices such as pepper, paprika and mustard, it is also advisable to reduce fried and battered ones. It is better to consume chicken, rabbit or turkey, which are lean meats; and skimmed dairy, because they contain less fat.

And although they are not prohibited, it is better not to abuse cucumber, citrus, pepper, tomato, chocolate, onion, garlic or leek because they are foods that tend to cause heartburn.

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Change lifestyle

In addition to diet, lifestyle can be a key factor in fighting heartburn. Suffering from stress, for example, considerably increases the risk of suffering from heartburn because it tends to encourage you to eat in a hurry and worry. The vagus nerve connects the stomach to the brain, so worries or nerves weaken and make it difficult for the stomach to work.

Exercising or going to sleep right after eating is not advised because digestion becomes more complicated and this is when problems can appear.

Other measures to avoid heartburn

Although sometimes it is not possible, it is advisable to avoid the consumption of medications that aggravate or produce heartburn . It is also very important to eliminate beverages that contain caffeine, sodas, and alcohol from the diet .

How to calm heartburn

Heartburn can be very annoying, but there are a few little tricks to alleviate symptoms or even eliminate it.

When the burning occurs at night, it is best to raise the head of the bed using wooden blocks on the legs or use an extra pillow to elevate the head if you do not have an articulated bed. If it appears during the day, sucking licorice or taking it as an infusion can be a good remedy, the banana smoothie with rice drink also has very good results. It can also be very helpful to drink water in small amounts or massage the belly .

Masajear el vientre para calmar el ardor

In some cases, antacid drugs can be used , although it is better not to abuse them and try to eliminate the problem naturally.

What if the problem persists?

Normally heartburn is something specific and is due to a poor diet. It is usually caused by a very large meal. However, if the problem does not disappear and the burning persists very continuously, it is best to go to the doctor to assess the situation and do the appropriate tests to rule out hernias, gastrointestinal malfunction or any other problem.

It is best not to be alarmed and detect the problem quickly to find a solution so that it does not get worse.