How to recover from whiplash quickly

All of us who have ever suffered a whiplash know how painful it is. Worst? The days when we feel bad because of the discomfort it causes, since it affects the muscles, nerves, tendons and even the discs of the neck. If you are looking for a solution and how to recover from whiplash , you have come to the right place.

What is whiplash?

Strictly, the cervical sprain corresponds to a tear in one of the ligaments that joins the cervical vertebrae , and that causes pain in the neck area.

However, it is almost impossible to confirm that the pain is specifically due to a torn ligament. In practice, the term “whiplash” is used almost synonymously with “whiplash” , since it is assumed to be the mechanism by which pain appears in these cases.

recuperarse de un latigazo cervical

What is whiplash?

The “whiplash” consists of the injury produced by a successive sudden and excessive flexion and extension of the neck . The most typical and common cause is a rear-end car accident , especially if it is unexpected. In this way, the musculature is relaxed and does not slow down or limit the range of motion.

What are your symptoms?

The “whiplash” can cause pain by several purely physical mechanisms . In the first place, it affects the eventual tear of the cervical ligaments, which is what properly constitutes a “sprain”. On the other hand, there is muscle contracture , triggered by that tear or by the sudden and unexpected movement of hyperflexion and hyperextension. Finally, we talk about the eventual injury of the “facet joint” in the hyperextension phase.

How should we treat a whiplash?

At this point we will talk about how to recover from a whiplash , in order not to feel the pain that it produces.

Is the use of the collar recommended?

Historically, it has been assumed that pain caused by whiplash was due to a “sprain.” For this reason, to avoid making movements that could repeat or aggravate the tear of the ligaments, the usual treatment included relative immobilization with a rigid or soft collar .

Use it in specific situations

However, when the results have been analyzed, it has been shown that the collar not only does not improve the evolution of patients, but also worsens it . Probably, the reason is that the muscle tone is reduced or the feeling of fragility and fear of movement increases.

Thus, today it is recommended to restrict its use as much as possible , reserving it for specific situations in which the patient feels greater risk or will be exposed to vibrations, such as when driving.

recuperarse de un latigazo cervical

Mobilization and exercise

In cases of “ whiplash ” it makes sense to try all the treatments indicated for “ mechanical syndromes of the spine ”. Now, very few have been specifically evaluated in those cases.

Among those that have been evaluated, is patient education, focused on trying to reduce rest and the use of the collar. In addition, it is about encouraging a return to a progressively normal life as soon as possible . Mobilization and exercise have the most evidence to suggest their efficacy.

Cold instead of hot

From the first moment you suffer the blow, an inflammatory reaction begins in your neck that will culminate after the first 48 hours. This explains why you feel more intense pain the day after the accident. To control this inflammation, it is very important that you use dry cold localized in the area of pain.

You can use some gel sachets that they sell in the pharmacy (cold-pack) and that are kept in the freezer. Do not apply it directly on the skin, you can put a piece of kitchen paper, a towel or the cold-pack cover itself. Ten minutes of cold is enough, you can do it at most every two hours , especially the first two days, and at least three times a day .


Physical therapy is essential both in severe whiplash and milder. Ideally, start it after the first week, not later. Your physiotherapist will use all the techniques in his power to help you recover as soon as possible from contractures, inflammation, loss of mobility, dizziness and all the other symptoms that prevent you from carrying out normal activities of daily life.

Other long-term healing methods

If with the previous methods you have not noticed a real recovery, you should consult your doctor if it is necessary to carry out any of the following treatments.

Radiofrequency rhizolysis

In some cases, injury to the cervical “facet joints” may play a role in persistent “whiplash” pain. For this reason, “ radiofrequency rhizolysis ” is proposed in cases that resist all other treatments.

What does it consist of?

This procedure consists of destroying the nerve that collects the sensitivity of that joint by means of heat . Although in other cases of mechanical syndromes of the spine it has been shown to have no effect, some data suggest that it could have an effect in cases of persistent pain from whiplash.

Likewise, the use of botulinum toxin has been considered to prevent muscle contracture that causes pain. However, currently available scientific evidence does not demonstrate its effectiveness in these cases.

Surgery is it convenient?

To recover from whiplash , surgery is not recommended by most professionals. Cervical arthrodesis has occasionally been performed in cases of pain triggered by this injury that resisted all other treatments. Now, the results of surgery in these cases, and the scientific evidence currently available, make it impossible to recommend it as a routine treatment.