Top 3 Vitamins and Supplements for Dry Skin

Dry skin, as its name indicates, is a type of dermis that is characterized by a lack of moisture, which produces other signs such as dull skin, tightness, redness, itching and the appearance of both scales and premature wrinkles.

Having dry skin is almost inevitable as we age. Many factors contribute to this, but health problems and nutritional deficiencies are the most common. Health problems, such as thyroid problems and diabetes, can also lead to dry skin.

This can be prevented by consuming a balanced diet full of nuts, fruits, fresh vegetables, and lean protein. Also, taking nutritional supplements can help increase the vitamins and minerals in our body.

Therefore, we show you the best vitamins for dry skin and to be able to show off the skin you want so much.

Las mejores vitaminas para cuidar la piel

Why take vitamins and supplements for the skin?

  • Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the organs and contribute to cellular metabolism. They must be supplied to the body on a regular basis through food or by taking vitamin supplements.
  • Our busy lifestyle and bad eating habits (diets rich in sugars and fats) or the consumption of harmful substances (alcohol or tobacco) strip our body of essential nutrients such as vitamins B or C.
  • If you want to have hydrated, smooth and shiny skin, you have to regularly consume each vitamin that we recommend. Hyaluronic acid or biotin promote skin elasticity and also promote the formation of collagen and elastin in connective tissue.
  • Alleviate the signs of aging . Although there is no “potion of eternal youth”, it is true that, through supplements and vitamins with beneficial properties, the reflection of the inexorable passage of time on our face can be appeased.
Vitaminas para el cuidado de la piel

The best vitamins for dry skin

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D should not be called a vitamin, as it is not an organic compound that the body does not synthesize and requires as a nutrient in small amounts. Rather, it can be considered a true hormone that, thanks to exposure to the sun, the human body can synthesize on its own. It can also be obtained from the intake of some foods, such as fatty fish (salmon), fish liver oil, and eggs.

But this does not always happen; In other words, not all people synthesize a sufficient amount of vitamin D with the sun or diet, which can lead to different alterations in the human body since this hormone participates in multiple internal processes. Therefore, many people choose to take vitamins and supplements of this hormone, so that in this way, they satisfy certain desires such as keeping their skin healthy and young.

This is because vitamin D plays an integral role in the skin’s barrier function and the growth of dermatological cells, as well as in maintaining the skin’s immune system, which acts as a first line of defense against harmful pathogens. In fact, low levels of vitamin D in the blood have been shown to be associated with skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis, which can cause dry skin (Umar et al., 2018).

Additionally, vitamin D supplements have been shown to significantly improve the symptoms of skin disorders that cause dry and itchy skin, including eczema (Gaeun & Ji-Hyun, 2016).

Tomar vitamina D es necesario para una piel saludable

2. Vitamin C

An essential vitamin for the skin is vitamin C. It helps in the production of collagen in the body, improves elasticity, makes the skin soft and deeply moisturizes it.

In addition, this nutrient helps reduce one of the symptoms that most often worry people who suffer from this type of dermis: the appearance of premature visible wrinkles. Due to its antioxidant properties, vitamin C offers firming benefits that stimulate the fibers involved in this process. As a consequence, this nutrient helps to have a much more elastic and youthful skin.

Unsurprisingly, studies have shown that increasing vitamin C in the diet through vitamin C supplements can improve many factors of skin health, including skin hydration (Pullar, Carr, & Vissers, 2017) . On the other hand, it has also been shown that when used in combination with other nutrients, vitamin C can improve skin moisture (Costa et al., 2015)

And, in addition to being a vitamin for the skin, it raises your defenses and protects the immune system.

Beneficios de la vitamina C para la piel

3. Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, its main function being to provide support and structure. It is found in different connective tissues, such as skin, bone, cartilage, and tendons. It is widely used in the medical and food industry.

Some research has shown that taking collagen-based supplements can have a variety of benefits for the skin , including decreasing the depth of wrinkles and increasing skin hydration (Proksch et al., 2014).

The downside is that as we age, the body’s ability to produce collagen declines, and collagen levels naturally decline as well, although it is also affected by factors such as stress and anxiety. It is then that fine lines and wrinkles can appear, losing the hydration characteristic of younger skin, in addition to its elasticity.

Thus, incorporating collagen supplementation and eating foods that help with collagen production are effective and natural ways to stimulate collagen production at the cellular level .

Beneficios de tomar colágeno para la piel


Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of our body, but they also help to improve dry skin, a common condition that can be caused by a number of factors such as dehydration, allergic reactions and diseases such as hypothyroidism.

In addition, vitamins are one of the most common ingredients if what you want is to have radiant skin. Take the recommended dose and you will see the big changes that they can produce in your dry skin.


  • Costa, A., Pereira, E., Assumpçao, EC, dos Santos, F., Ota, F., Pereira, M., Fidelis, M… and Abildgaard, EN (2015). Assessment of clinical effects and safety of an oral supplement based on marine protein, vitamin C, grape seed extract, zinc, and tomato extract in the improvement of visible signs of skin aging in men. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology . doi: 10.2147 / CCID.S79447
  • Gaeun., K. and Ji-Hyun, B. (2016). Vitamin D and atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition . doi: 10.1016 / j.nut.2016.01.023
  • Proksch, E., Segger, D., Degwert, J., Schunck, M., Zague, V. and Oesser, S. (2014). Oral supplementation of specific collagen peptides has beneficial effects on human skin physiology: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Skin Pharmacology and Psychology. doi: 10.1159 / 000351376
  • Pullar, J., Carr, A. and Vissers, M. (2017). The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health. Nutrients . doi: 10.3390 / nu9080866
  • Umar, M., Sastry, KS, Al Ali, F. Al-Khulaifi, M., Wang E., Chouchane, AI (2018). Vitamin D and the Pathophysiology of Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Skin Pharmacology and Psychology. doi: 10.1159 / 000485132