Top 3 Nootropics to Improve Brain Function

Taking a supplement that magically improves our intelligence sounds like the impossible. And it is. But if there is something similar on the market, without a doubt that is nootropics.

Unlike most drugs that are taken to improve concentration or mental alertness, nootropics enhance cognitive responses in a healthy way. Whether in tea, supplement, or naturally, the best types have no side effects like insomnia or headaches, and are relatively inexpensive.

Now, although there is much to say on this topic, to help you get started we will focus on what makes a nootropic good, and what are the 3 most recommended nootropics .

Suplementos que te hacen más inteligente

What Makes a Good Nootropic?

Although the definitions of what exactly is a nootropic are many, there are three basic points to differentiate them from any brain stimulant:

  • It should improve the executive functions of the brain , such as memory, learning and the like.
  • It should work the same for all people, so that even someone quite intelligent can increase their cognitive abilities in the medium term.
  • It should boost brain recovery , without causing collateral damage.

Based on these three rules, so to speak, we understand that fish oil can be considered a nootropic, far above adderall (Phenylethylamine). It's not that one is more valuable than the other, but that the former forms a brain-safe multivitamin foundation, while the latter works better as a booster.

Efectos de los nootrópicos en el cerebro

Top 3 Nootropics

1. Bacopa monnieri

Used for centuries in natural medicine, Bacopa monnieri is a plant from India that has been shown to work perfectly as a healthy nootropic .

Western medicine has been in charge of studying this plant for several years, finding proven cognitive benefits.

Bacopa in tea improves memory, especially the memory we use to retain data for short periods of time before putting it into short-term memory. It has also been said to decrease aging brain damage, although more studies are needed on this. These benefits are possible to a greater extent thanks to the fact that bacopa monnieri favors the proliferation of dendrites, which are responsible for receiving and transmitting impulses between neurons.

A small disadvantage of this plant is that it is slow acting, relative to other nootropics. But this is not inconvenient for those who consume it on a regular basis.

Nootrópicos para mejorar la memoria

2. Blueberry anthocyanins

Blueberry works as a nootropic thanks to the anthocyanins it contains. These are water-soluble pigments found in them, and they are what give it its natural purple pigmentation.

Although most studies on anthocyanins have been done on blueberries, it is believed that any type of blue or black berry contains them and is beneficial.

The action of anthocyanins in blueberry is similar to that of bacopa monnieri. When consumed, they release a growth factor known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor , which causes neurons to grow. This phenomenon has also been directly measured on the hippocampus of rats in various studies, showing that it helps improve their memory-related brain functions.

Bringing this to the human context, we can say that other studies have shown that blueberry juices that contain significant amounts of anthocyanins (500 mg or more) improve verbal memory and spatial recall.

Los arándanos mejoran la memoria verbal y espacial

3. Ginkgo biloba

Gingko biloba is considered the Chinese version of Bacopa monnieri, as it is an ancient herb, which has always been attributed benefits for the brain.

As with bacopa, Western medical studies have shown that ginkgo biloba improves memory , specifically visual memory formation. It has also been established that it improves attention span and decreases aging brain damage.

Although more studies are needed in this regard, it has also been said that this plant helps reduce the effects of macular degeneration due to age, and other visual conditions.

We leave you the best offers of nootropic supplements


  • Frank, K. The 3 Best and Worst Nootropics for Boosting Brain Function. For Legion Athletics. [Revised December 2017].