Top 10 Snack Ideas If You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that affects a considerable number of people, who must make drastic changes in their diet to keep blood sugar levels in order. Fortunately, today, diabetes is a fully controllable condition, and as time passes more alternatives are created to enjoy food and stay healthy.

When it comes to healthy snacks, diabetics shouldn’t feel left behind, as they have plenty of alternatives to enjoy a delicious low-sugar snack . Find out which are the top 10.Snacks para personas con diabetes

1o snack ideas for diabetics

1. Boiled eggs

This snack is one of the most practical, and every diabetic should consider it in their diet. Only one cooked egg provides 6 grams of very useful protein, as it prevents the rise in blood sugar values. In the same way, this snack avoids suffering future cardiovascular problems.

You can eat 1 or 2 cooked eggs a day and you can even combine them with a good dressing, for example, guacamole.

Snack de huevos cocidos para diabéticos

2. Yogurt with red fruits

This ideal snack for diabetics provides an incredible amount of antioxidants from red fruits, which will prevent cell damage in the pancreas, the vital organ for the regulation of blood sugar. On the other hand, berries contain enough fiber to improve digestion and stabilize sugar after eating.

Yogurt is also known to lower blood sugar levels, in addition to containing a high amount of protein and the ability to nourish the intestinal flora.

Snack de yogurt y frutos rojos para diabéticos

3. A handful of almonds

Most nuts are loaded with rich nutrients and fatty acids that make them a snack for healthy people or with any type of conditions. In particular, almonds appear to regulate blood sugar levels by their combination of fat, protein, and fiber. Another wonder of this dried fruit is its ability to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

Las almendras son buenas para los diabeticos

4. Avocado

Few fruits are as beneficial to health as avocado, which contains immense amounts of fiber and fatty acids that help prevent sugar spikes that occur after eating . However, it is important to control the portion, as it is a high calorie food.

Comer aguacate si eres diabético

5. Apples with peanut butter

The famous combination of peanut with apple can be ideal for people with diabetes who want to treat themselves. In addition to containing a lot of fiber, the apple provides vitamins B, C and an antioxidant called polyphenol, which has the ability to protect pancreatic cells from damage caused by diabetes.

On the other hand, peanuts also contain considerable amounts of fiber, protein, and healthy fats that stabilize blood sugar .

Snack de manzana con mantequilla de cacahuete para diabéticos

6. Strips of meat

Beef is an animal source rich in fiber and protein enough to regulate and keep blood sugar levels stable in a diabetic, making it a more than ideal snack. However, they should be consumed in moderation, as their sodium levels can be counterproductive if you eat too much.

It is important to try to purchase beef strips from grass-fed cattle. Compared to cattle fed with other products, meat strips of this type will contain fatty acids that are immensely beneficial for the body.

¿Qué tipos de carne puede comer un diabético?

7. Roasted chickpeas

Grains in general are one of the most complete foods that the earth has given us. Chickpeas in particular are a wonder of nature, and provide the body with 15 grams of protein, 13 grams of fiber in just 1 cup.

These legumes can reduce the progressive damage of diabetes , an aspect that makes them a great snack ideal for people who suffer from it.

A very attractive way to cook them is to roast them, so that they obtain a very attractive texture.

Snack de garbanzos para diabéticos

8. Tuna salad

84 grams of tuna salad will provide 22 grams of pure protein, without any carbohydrates. Tuna is a sought after fish for being a natural source of fatty acids that are very useful for managing blood sugar levels. You can make your tuna salad even healthier by swapping the mayo for yogurt or cottage cheese.

Snacks saludables altos en proteína para diabéticos

9. Popcorn

Few snacks are as universal as popcorn. This delicious and light snack provides just 31 calories per 8 grams, which makes them an ideal food for weight control.

It is advisable to consume homemade and air-popped popcorn, as many alternatives on the market contain trans fats and are high in sodium.

Comer palomitas de maíz caseras es saludable

10. Homemade protein bars

It goes without saying that protein is so important in regulating blood sugar levels. This is why homemade protein bars are a viable option for diabetics.

You can let your creativity run free and choose between ingredients such as soy protein, peanuts, oatmeal, honey in small quantities, etc.

Barras de proteína para diabéticos


Diabetes is no longer an impediment to enjoying a delicious and healthy snack that will provide your diet with the nutrients that may be lacking. What’s more. You can benefit from the ability of certain snacks to stabilize and regulate blood sugar levels, so that you are not entirely dependent on medications.


  • Elliot, B. The Best 21 Snack Ideas If You Have Diabetes. For Healthline [Revised January 2018].