Tips to take care of memory and concentration

To stay young and have a good quality of life, we don't just have to take care of ourselves superficially. Food, or care from the inside, is a great ally when it comes to looking healthy. However, beyond the most visible features, taking care of our brain is very necessary. There are certain foods that will help you maintain the condition of your mental abilities, such as concentration or memory .

Feeling that our mental agility responds correctly, that our memory is kept in good condition and that we concentrate easily, is what makes us feel really fit. And it is that beyond the physical condition, very important on the other hand, the state of our brain requires attention.


Foods to improve memory and concentration

Dark chocolate

Consuming this food I do not think it costs you much, since in addition to its benefits it is a delicacy. It is true that there are people who do not like pure chocolate, instead it is convenient to consume it with a percentage higher than 70% cocoa . It is a source of antioxidants that benefit our memory. Try to buy it without added sugar.


We have already told you in other posts the importance of staying well hydrated. When we feel that we are thirsty, we are already showing signs of mild dehydration. This is enough to start feeling some symptoms associated with a lack of hydration, such as irritability, forgetfulness or a lack of reflexes. So remember to drink water, even if you don't feel a strong need.

Omega 3

The correct dose of Omega-3 has been proven to reduce the chances of developing diseases such as Alzheimer's. And it is a true gem for the brain that improves memory, concentration, mood and performance in times of greater effort. Oily fish , for example, is an important source of Omega-3 that you cannot miss.


Foods rich in antioxidants, fight the negative effects of free radicals on our neurons ; and prevent premature aging, thus taking care of our memory.


They help keep brain nerve cells healthy and contain a large amount of antioxidants.

Other beneficial foods for memory and concentration are avocados, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, tomatoes or capers.