Tips to keep your blood glucose from rising

Eating healthy and exercising are just some of the tips we give you to prevent your blood glucose level from rising . We invite you to follow some of these guidelines from home and thereby improve your health. This way you can avoid being prone to different diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Why keep your blood glucose from rising?

The answer is simple: for health. High blood sugar levels influence the development of serious diseases such as diabetes, for example. Hence the importance of keeping sugar levels at the proper levels. When do blood glucose spikes occur? When the body is unable to adequately transport blood sugar into cells.

The best thing is to prevent this type of disease naturally and easily, something you can do from home and changing your diet and leading a healthy lifestyle . In case you are prediabetic and have some symptoms, then it is the doctor who must give you the appropriate treatment that you should follow and, of course, monitor your levels routinely.

How to prevent the blood glucose level from rising?

Good nutrition

The basis of stable health is diet . To maintain blood sugar levels, you must eat properly. One of the most important things is to reduce or control your consumption of carbohydrates, as the body breaks down carbohydrates into sugars that are later carried into the cells. If you have a blood glucose problem, then transport will be more difficult. If you eat more carbohydrates, then the transport of sugar into the cells will be more complicated, leading to a build-up of glucose in the blood.

What can you do about it? We invite you to consume good carbohydrates, which exist and are present in most of the foods we consume. For example, in fruits and vegetables, as well as in cereals, legumes and nuts. Among vegetables, pay special attention to tubers, particularly potatoes. But what is this good carbs thing?

La buena alimentación influye para  evitar que el nivel de glucosa en sangre aumente

They are also called complexes because their decomposition process is slower or gradual and they not only have sugars, but also other types of important elements for the body. For their part, the bad carbohydrates that we advise you to stay away from are the so-called simple carbohydrates. These are easily broken in the body, yes, but they are not good for health. Examples? Fast food: hamburgers, pizzas, chips, carbonated drinks …

It is logical that you are not going to stop eating to avoid the release of glucose in the blood, but what you can do is follow a low carbohydrate diet. This will help you lower your blood sugar levels and, in the long run, help you control it.

Eat more fiber

Eating fiber is very important for maintaining or lowering blood sugar levels. In addition, of course, that fiber is essential for digestion, and helps the absorption of carbohydrates and glucose. But did you know that there are two types of fiber? Yes, there is a soluble and an insoluble . The one you have to pay special attention to to help you with glucose is soluble fiber. Where can you find it? In foods such as oats, beans, peas, citrus fruits, barley, and carrots.

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is essential for the human body and, in order to reduce glucose levels in the blood, it is also essential. And is that water activates the kidneys, which are responsible for eliminating excess sugar through urine. The most recommended is to drink 2 liters of water a day. Monitor your consumption and distribute those two liters of liquids for all your activities. In addition, water provides a feeling of fullness that you will appreciate when monitoring your sugar levels: you will not be tempted to eat junk food between meals.

Hacer ejercicio puede ayudarte disminuir la glucosa en la sangre

Monitor your stress levels

Many of the alterations that our body undergoes are due to what happens in our mind. Hence, we recommend that you monitor your stress levels to help reduce blood glucose. And it is that stress helps to release hormones such as cortisol and glucagon, which trigger the levels of sugar present in the blood. What you should do is practice some physical activity to help you relax. For example, practice yoga, highly recommended to control your breathing and clear your mind.

Sleep enough

We already anticipated it: exercise will help you to be so exhausted that you only want to sleep. And sleep and rest are essential for controlling blood sugar. Sleeping will not only take away stress, but you will promote good lifestyle habits, such as eating well. Few hours of sleep and poor rest can greatly affect blood glucose levels . Why? Because by not getting enough sleep, hormones such as cortisol are released, which we anticipated, is not good for the body.