Tips for achieving iron health and enjoying it

The demographic pyramid has been reversed. Those over 65 years of age already exceed the number of newborns. In this context, with an evident improvement in the quality of life, we are witnessing a new demographic phenomenon: the expansion of centenarians. How can you achieve iron health that allows a long and active life? We have consulted these long-lived men and women and these are the tips that have moved us.

Daily physical activity, key to good health

What is better than going to the pharmacy and the parapharmacy? An active life, always within the possibilities of each one of the people. Thirty minutes a day of physical activity is essential to achieve iron health , as you avoid gaining weight and fat, clear your mind and focus on a goal.

An example: in his 80s, Germán Fernández continues to attend popular races throughout Spain after using exercise to continue his life after the death of his wife.

Other athletes, after hanging up their boots, have remained in shape, strengthening their physical and mental health.

The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week.

Diet, the second pillar to achieve iron health

As we have seen in other articles on sports nutrition, it is not so much about eating less or taking food away, but about eating better and maintaining moderate activity.

The diet must be varied, adapted to our needs and balanced with respect to our lifestyle.

Bad habits and addictions, an obstacle to having an iron health

Additions such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs are highly detrimental to health. In addition to being the cause of numerous diseases, some of them fatal, they reduce the life expectancy of the patient.

In the same way, bad habits such as the abuse of precooked meals, eating products with a high level of saturated fats and sugars – together with the lack of physical exercise – lead to health problems such as obesity, which has become the disease of the XXI century.

A person with obesity will carry other diseases and health problems such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems.

consejos para tener una salud de hierro

Body hygiene is another aspect that is minimized but has a direct influence if you want to achieve iron health .

Rest well, as important as food

Do you lead a life of stress and hours without sleep? Lack of sleep is just as bad for your health as a poor diet.

The recommendations of doctors and specialists insist on the need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and not less than 6 hours, since the body and mind cannot recover adequately.

Napping, as long as it does not exceed 30 minutes a day, also strengthens health and relieves stress.

Keep your mind active

Just as moderate physical exercise helps keep the body young, whether you are an older person or a middle-aged person, the active mind also influences the health of the individual.

How to keep the mind active? There are numerous routes, according to each lifestyle. On the one hand, there are those who continue to learn and engage in intellectual activity. With this, it is achieved that the neural connections stay alive and in shape.

Collaterally, adding this goal helps to initiate other more physical ones, as a way of rest or simply for the sensation of feeling active.

A working brain prevents neuronal diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.

The activity of the mind does not only have to involve studying. Doing creative activities, crafts, reading or doing crossword puzzles are valid activities to keep the mind active.