5 relaxation techniques to release stress that you should try

Do you feel that your heart beats faster? Is your breathing quickening? Do you have cold sweats? All of them are symptoms and warning signs that your body sends you to warn you of an unwanted visitor: stress. To combat it, we propose these 5 relaxation techniques to release stress to combine it together with your other methods to relax when you feel stressed .

The 5 relaxation techniques to release stress that you should try

1. Deep or diaphragmatic breathing

When we are stressed, the body demands more oxygen. In response, breathing quickens. Although we oxygenate the body, we have to increase the volume of air if we do not want to suffer a relapse .

For this, experts recommend deep breaths : with abdominal inspirations and expirations, taking care of the diaphragm at all times, you are able to eliminate part of what causes your state of stress from your mind.

conoce las mejores técnicas de relajación para liberar el estrés

The best thing about this relaxation technique to relieve stress is that it is so simple that you can do it anywhere . In addition, it is one of the relaxation exercises most prescribed in cases of stress in people who do not lead an active life.

How to perform the deep breathing relaxation technique

The goal of this type of exercise is to make us more aware of our breathing. To perform the deep breathing technique to release accumulated stress, you must lie on a flat surface , looking up, and always straight.

Now place the palms of your hand one on the chest and one on the abdomen . Keep taking inspirations and exhalations for about 20 seconds. You have to notice how the hand on your stomach rises (the other hand should move very little).

2. Meditation, one of the most effective techniques to release stress

Although there are numerous ways to perform meditation, the proposal that we bring you below is very simple: you have to start from a simple position in a chair or on a mat.

With meditation you are engaging your mind to make it feel more relaxed. If you maintain meditation throughout your life, you will notice how you react more balanced to emotions and thoughts .

A good meditation exercise to release stress must have a series of guidelines that guarantee the success of the technique. First of all, we must maintain proper concentration on the breath . For this you can focus your mind on an object. That does not mean that you have to focus solely on something and be stubborn. On the contrary!

Second, it must be an exercise in silence , without any distraction. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that, although it is the most common, meditation can also be trained while standing . Of course, breathing will always be slow.

técnicas de relajación para liberar el estrés

3. Progressive muscle relaxation

This type of stress relief technique is performed in two stages: first the muscle groups are tensed and then the muscle groups are relaxed. It is the ideal exercise when we begin to notice one of the first physical symptoms that accompany stress, muscle tension .

Did you know that you can combine this relaxation technique with deep breathing ? Indeed, it is one of the most effective combos to overcome stress and free the mind of all blockages.

Now, if you already have previous muscle problems, the ideal is that, before getting down to work to do the relaxation exercises, you go to your doctor.

How to perform progressive muscle relaxation exercises

First of all, you have to wear comfortable clothes, that do not constrict, and take off your shoes . Don’t worry, if you’re in a hurry, you can do the exercise comfortably from home.

To start, breathe slowly and deeply , until you notice how you are releasing stress and concentrating on the routine. Contract the muscles of one foot, holding the pose for 10 seconds . Then relax it little by little. How did your foot feel? How do you feel now? This is what you have to focus on.

This type of exercise helps us understand and feel the difference between a muscle that is tense and that same muscle that is relaxed, in order to better understand our own body.

4. Tai chi

Tai chi is a sport that is part of self defense sports . Of course, to this day, and except in sports competitions, Tai chi is used as a technique to release stress.

Tai chi exercises are very simple and have a very slight impact , so they can be practiced by anyone regardless of their fitness level.

The movements in tai chi are relaxed , very slow, so that the whole body can move correctly. Thanks to this slow movement, you focus more on the postures you have to adopt, you focus more and you improve your breathing.

How to use tai chi to relieve stress? This taichi routine is inspired by the shapes of animals, figures that are recognized in each of the movements.

5. Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga, as a particular technique for relaxation and stress relief, requires the concurrence of some of the exercises seen. Such is the case with deep breathing, or meditation .

Each of the yoga poses seeks to increase the strength and flexibility of the body through concentration. In the same way, Mindfulness helps to be aware and remain attentive to any of the signals that the body emits to warn us of the presence of stress.

In either case, a quiet and secluded environment is required, away from any distractions or interruptions . Next, you have to get comfortable, but without lying down completely. Once this phase is achieved, we begin to focus on a specific point (internal, as an experience, or external).

If we carry out this exercise of full concentration for a minute, focusing our attention on our breathing, we will be able to control stress and be more aware of our physical and mental state.

Remember that relaxation techniques to release stress are simple to learn and perform, they can be carried out anytime, anywhere, and provide great benefits to physical and mental balance.