This is how you have to peel a banana

We’ve been peeling bananas wrong all our lives and we didn’t know it, that’s why today we’re going to clear up any doubts and learn a quick and effortless way to peel a banana with a simple movement. From a young age we are taught to eat fruit, some with skin and others without skin, as is the case with bananas. It is true that the skin of this fruit is used as fertilizer, and there are even those who use it to polish, but of course it is not eaten, so it is discarded.

The banana is a fruit rich in minerals and vitamins as important as vitamin A, B6, C and E. It is true that the more ripe this fruit is, the more carbohydrates it has, so it is not highly recommended on the keto diet. It is also not recommended to consume green or unripe bananas, as they are very difficult to digest and can cause gastrointestinal pain.

It happens to bananas like strawberries, once they leave the supermarket, they are suddenly poached, something that also happens to mushrooms. This forces us to consume them quickly, and today we will be able to learn how to peel a banana in the most effective and efficient way, since it only takes a slight movement and it is already peeled.

This is how chimpanzees do it

Un mono comiendo plátano

Monkeys and other races split bananas from the opposite side that we do. That is, we, through inertia, learning, or for other reasons, open the banana at the long end. That is where he was hooked to the banana tree, the banana tree. But no, it is not correct, since we almost always need a knife, use force with our hands, pull or twist the cord, etc. And if the banana is ripe or very ripe, we end up crushing it whole.

The monkeys, on the other hand, do it from the base of the banana as seen in the video that we leave below these lines. Instead of trying to snap the end off, they put their hands in a pincer shape and yank , splitting open the entire banana in one motion. It is like when we open a bag of vegetables, potatoes, or sweets.

That which says “it is better skill than force”, here it is 100% fulfilled, so from now on we can start to open the bananas in the correct way without having to despair and without the need to use extra utensils such as knives or even our own fingernails or with the mouth. Everything is much simpler, as we have seen.

Of course, that area, which is the base, is sometimes blackened, we just have to cut it if we want, but we know that it is perfectly edible and that nothing happens. The banana is a very delicate fruit, and any slight blow, pressure or change in temperature causes black spots to appear.

As a piece of advice, if we are going to buy bananas, it is best to choose those that have fewer black spots, it means that they are less damaged and will last longer at home in perfect condition.