Best aerobic exercises at home to get fit

Aerobic exercise at home is a moderate-intensity physical activity that improves cardiorespiratory fitness and overall health. Aerobic exercise is presented as physical activity that makes you breathe harder and sweat more. This practice has a continuous rhythm that works all the major muscle groups of the body.

Generally, aerobic exercises at home will leave you feeling exhausted in just a few minutes . However, you can stay active for long periods without feeling the need to sit down and catch your breath.

Swimming, running and walking are some of the most aerobic activities, although you can also exercise at home to lose weight, doing physical activities such as running, jogging, jumping, dancing or following a video .

Types of aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises can vary in difficulty and time , and be focused on beginners who are starting out in the sport, as well as those with an intermediate and advanced level. Be sure to choose the level that suits your lifestyle and fitness level:

  • Low impact exercises: they are optimal for beginners and moderate level athletes.
  • High-impact exercises: High-impact exercises involve movements that require balance and jumping, for which you will need better fitness. If you are worried about injuries or suffer from arthritis or back problems, this workout is not recommended for you.

Benefits of doing aerobic exercises at home

There are many benefits of aerobic exercise for those who practice it daily. The cardiovascular and respiratory muscles are strengthened, which increases blood circulation throughout the body. Aerobic exercises have benefits that include:

increase stroke volume

The amount of blood your heart pumps with each beat is known as your stroke volume. Having a good cardiopulmonary capacity strengthens the heart and improves stroke volume . The size of your heart increases, which causes more blood to be pumped through this organ.

They improve resistance

By doing aerobic exercises at home, your muscles can absorb more oxygen. You gain more stamina and do not tire easily . This happens because your muscles can extract more oxygen from the blood compared to a person who does not play sports.

mejores ejercicios aeróbicos en casa

They help lose weight

Aerobic exercises are ideal for losing weight. They not only reduce fat, but also help increase muscular endurance. Also, your body requires a higher flow of oxygen to lose weight, and for this reason, aerobic exercise is the most beneficial way to lose excess fat . It allows you to lose weight by moving for long periods without getting tired.

Without a doubt, your current weight influences the amount of weight you can lose . A very overweight person will lose more kilos doing aerobic exercises at home than someone who is at their ideal weight.

aerobic exercises you can do at home

Aerobic exercises can be easily done at home with little or no equipment , and are ideal for people who don’t have time to hit the gym every day.

jump rope

Jumping rope for 15 to 25 minutes every day helps increase body awareness, hand-foot coordination, and agility.

aerobic strength circuit

The aerobic circuit is a series that includes exercises such as squats, lunges, tricep dips, push-ups and trunk rotations . Aerobic strength circuits are designed to get your heart rate up and work all major muscle groups. As a result, the whole body is toned and cardiovascular functions are drastically improved.

These exercises are of moderate intensity, so they shouldn’t be too difficult for you. However, if you constantly stop to rest, you should opt for low-density workouts . The circuit ends with a minute of jogging. Ideally, a training session should include 2-3 circuits .

To run

Running is one of the best aerobic exercises. It can improve your mood, dramatically reduce fat, improve heart health, and make your body more athletic and toned in a matter of months, to name a few of its benefits.

Despite its advantages, running is very difficult for the average sedentary individual, but once you get into the groove, running becomes the best exercise for you, not only physically, but also mentally. That is why running is one of the activities that appear in this list of best aerobic exercises at home. To avoid injuries such as sprains, warm up properly before exercise and stretch afterward .


If running seems too difficult for you, you can always start your routine with a little walking every day . Doing it intensely is considered as healthy as running, since it prevents the onset of heart disease and obesity. When walking, make sure you wear shoes with good ankle support to avoid injury.

One of the best ways to walk is to use an activity bracelet that helps you calculate how far you walk each day. The ideal is to walk at least 10,000 steps daily . The best way to do this is by adding 1,000 extra steps to your daily goal each week.


The stair climber is another of the best aerobic exercises you can do at home. Start by getting into a plank with your hands under your shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line , avoiding walking or sinking your hips. Bring one knee in toward your chest, then quickly switch legs, bringing one leg back and driving the other knee up. To make it more intense, drive your knees across your body toward opposite elbows .


Stand with your feet hip-width apart . Plant your hands on the ground and jump up, putting your feet behind you in a plank position. Jump again until your feet are just behind your hands, and jump up again, arms above your head. You can do a push-up after landing in a plank position or do a jump by bringing your knees to your chest.

Burpees are perfect for building full body strength and are one of the best cardio exercises.

It is recommended that everyone exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes every day to stay healthy. Aerobic exercise is the best way to achieve this goal in one go. However, if you are new to this form, you should consult your doctor to make sure this is the right exercise for you.

Not all exercises are suitable for all people. For some, relaxed stretching , such as yoga or meditation, may be more helpful. However, for others, intense workouts are necessary to achieve the same goal. When weight loss is your primary goal, you need to find the exercise that’s best for you, along with a diet that works to achieve your goal.