These foods are a perfect source of selenium for the diet

It is likely that we think that selenium is harmful to health, but in trace amounts very beneficial. For example, this mineral has antioxidant functions such as vitamin E, it helps delay the effects of aging, protects the body after a vaccination, strengthens the immune system, etc. It is for all this and much more that we are going to recommend a series of foods rich in selenium to add to our daily diet.

We once again insist on the importance of leading a healthy life and having a varied and balanced diet, since it is the only way to give the body all the nutrients it needs every day. It is important to know the nutrients of each food, so today we want to dedicate the text to selenium and we have selected a series of essential foods in our diet to provide those mg of selenium that we need so that the machine continues to function normally.

Why is selenium important?

Selenium is a nutrient that the body needs because otherwise it could not function or stay healthy. All nutrients work in a chain, so if one is missing, there are several processes that are not completed properly and it becomes dominoes that fall one after the other.

For example, selenium is important for the creation of the fetus, for its reproduction, for the thyroid gland to function properly, for producing DNA , protecting the body from infections, etc.

The lack of selenium in the body puts us at risk of suffering from diseases such as thyroid and psoriasis, even infertility in men and women, muscle weakness, weakened immune system, fatigue, lack of concentration, hair loss, among others, hence the need to add it to our daily diet.

The amount of selenium that an average adult needs is 55 mcg, but pregnant women need 60 and if they are breastfeeding they need 70 mcg of selenium per day.

Top foods rich in selenium

A quick detour through the supermarket and we will be able to fill the basket with products full of flavor and health, since these foods, apart from having selenium, have other important nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. We must also clarify that the more varied our diet is, the less nutrient we will lack, in addition, resorting to supplements is not the best option unless it is a case strictly indicated by a doctor.


If we eat 100 grams of mushrooms we must know that we are consuming approximately 15% of the recommended daily amount of selenium. This makes the mushroom one of the best foods, in addition to its ease of being digested, how healthy it is and how easy it is to cook, make it score more and more points.

Also, mushrooms provide B vitamins, proteins and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, apart from selenium. Mushrooms help control blood pressure, prevent intestinal disorders, have a satiating effect, stimulate the formation of killer cells, etc.

Varias nueces enteras en el suelo


There are two types of nuts rich in selenium, on the one hand, we have the normal nuts that come with their hard and brown shell and the Brazil nuts that are shaped like bananas and are very tasty. Brazil nuts are also known as coquitos and by just eating about 3 nuts of this type, we have covered the recommended daily amount of selenium.

However, if we opt for more “normal” nuts, we will have to eat several more or even mix it with other foods to get a significant amount of selenium. In general, walnuts help improve our skin and hair, contain antioxidant uchis, vitamin E, C and group B, as well as many minerals and essential fatty acids.


Beans are an excellent food for us, in fact, their daily consumption is recommended. This legume is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Among its main vitamins we have A, C and K.

In addition, beans are good for the skin and visual health , they fight constipation and keep us satiated longer, which is why they are usually used in weight loss diets. Something that few people know is that the bean pod is edible, and when we refer to it it is considered a vegetable, but when we talk about the dried bean (the fruit) it is when it is called a legume.

Seeds and grains

We refer to pumpkin seeds and oatmeal. In several supermarkets, physical and online, they sell seed packs that we can use in breads, cakes, yogurts, salads, fruit cocktails, avocado toasts, etc.

Oatmeal can be eaten raw, or with milk, we can choose an oatmeal drink (the healthiest option on the market), as an ingredient in a sponge cake, in soups, broths, etc. With regard to pumpkin seeds and seeds, they are rich in fatty acids, B vitamins and, apart from selenium, they also have zinc.


Cucumber has a multitude of health benefits and even medicinal benefits , since it reduces the ears, helps to relax the eyelid area, serves as a soothing after a burn, etc. Among other properties of cucumber is its hydrating and satiating power, since its high water content helps to hydrate the body and quench thirst.

This food is very versatile, since it can be eaten in creams, juices, raw, grilled, baked, etc. In addition, it can be eaten cold, at room temperature or hot, cucumber is a good option whenever we want.

Un ajo entero rico en selenio


An ancient food and also has medicinal properties, like cucumber. Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and that’s thanks to selenium. Garlic is used to enrich meals and among its benefits the reduction of cholesterol, strengthens the immune system , reduces blood pressure, is considered an anti-inflammatory and a natural antibiotic, prevents colds, improves asthma (only in some cases), etc.

There we already have several excuses to add garlic to the vast majority of our meals. Let’s not go crazy and put garlic to everything either, since we could load up some recipes and spoil their flavors.

Teas and drinks

There are different teas and drinks that we can drink on a daily basis if we want to increase the levels of selenium in our body. A clear example is black tea, also in wine, beer (due to the brewer’s yeast which is rich in selenium), in coffee and in pure cocoa.

There is another tea that you dream of drinking when you want to replenish vitamins and minerals after a very strong physical effort and that is nettle tea. It contains vitamins A, C and K, in addition to iron and selenium . It is also common to take it in supplement form, but as strange as it may seem, nettle tea exists.