The truth about how diet affects cholesterol

The relationship of cholesterol with your diet is very close. The truth is that cholesterol is present in many foods and the way it affects your body is not exactly positive. However, your cholesterol can be a consequence of other factors such as the genetics of your body and components of your daily life, such as physical exercise, some bad habits such as smoking and overeating processed products.

The way to avoid cholesterol can be complex due to the wide variety of foods on the market that contain it; for this reason we help you to decipher the best way to understand this subject, reading scientists and experts on the subject.

De qué manera tu dieta afecta al colesterol

Cholesterol in the body

Cardiologists explain that cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that circulates in the blood of people. This is produced in the liver and depending on your genetics and your daily habits, you can have more or less of this substance.

Cholesterol is necessary in your body for cell building , but too much of it can build up and form plaques that clog arteries, making them stiff and narrow. In this way, it is very difficult for blood to circulate freely in the body. This particular condition is called atherosclerosis and it can bring serious risks to a person, such as the possibility of blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.

It is important to know that there are two types of cholesterol: LDL or bad cholesterol and HDL or good cholesterol . The first is considered negative since it promotes plaque formation; while the second transports cholesterol molecules from the bloodstream to the liver for elimination.

Cómo se acumula el colesterol en el cuerpo

Cholesterol in food

Just as humans produce their own cholesterol, the animals we consume also have this function. Furthermore, in them there is not only cholesterol in, but they also produce it; so the meat, eggs, milk and similar products that we consume contain cholesterol.

However, in vegetables and plants there is no trace of this substance, although some herbal products such as coconut oil contain fats that can affect your cholesterol levels.

Bajar el colesterol a través de la dieta

How does cholesterol go up in the blood?

Scientists have long believed that eating foods with dietary cholesterol had an immediate relationship with blood cholesterol levels. For this reason, many products such as eggs had a bad reputation for a long period.

Nowadays, the conception about it is a little different, since experts know that the matter is more complex. In fact, a study conducted by Nutrients concluded that the latest research does not support the notion that dietary cholesterol increases the chances of heart disease in healthy people (Soliman, 2018).

In fact, most research blames trans and saturated fats for the biggest impact on blood cholesterol levels. This confusion in the population is normal, since regularly foods high in saturated fat are also high in cholesterol ; like butter, cheese, and meat.

Still, more studies are needed on this, because the effects of dietary cholesterol remain unclear in people with different conditions, such as those with diabetes.

¿El colesterol dietético sube tus niveles de colesterol?

What to eat and what to avoid in terms of cholesterol?

To ensure good health, it is advisable to follow a moderate diet, prioritizing meals with more vegetables and eliminating highly processed products. It is also very important to limit your intake of saturated fat and stock up on plenty of fruits, seeds, and nuts.

Another factor to avoid is trans fats, usually found in packaged, fried foods. Like saturated fats, these molecules cause the liver to produce more cholesterol and, therefore, your levels rise.

Regarding the specific case of eggs, they have been related to an increase in blood cholesterol , although they are a good source of proteins and nutrients such as vitamin B12 and zinc. Also, many people can eat up to 6 eggs a week without worrying about their health effects.

Qué comidas evitar porque son altas en colesterol

Medication for high cholesterol

There is the possibility that your doctor will prescribe a specific medication to lower your cholesterol levels, since sometimes the diet is not enough to protect you completely. This is especially true in people with a condition called hypercholesterolemia .

Another great way to tell if you are prone to high cholesterol is by looking at your family history and current numbers. In any case, the best decision is to consult with your cardiologist and, although you must consume a medication, that does not mean that you leave your healthy diet, but that both must complement each other.


It is very important to pay special attention to issues such as cholesterol in your body, since by not giving it the necessary importance it can generate serious diseases and irreversible conditions.


  • Amanda, M. The Truth About How Your Diet Affects Your Cholesterol. For Livestrong. [Revised October 2019].
  • Soliman, GA (2018). Dietary Cholesterol and the Lack of Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease. Nutrients . doi: 10.3390 / nu10060780