The best way to lose belly fat fast

It is common to hear that a good exercise routine is enough to lose abdominal fat, there are even those who choose the easy way and perform liposuction . However, none of those methods guarantees that the fat will not appear again. Here we will show you the best way to permanently eliminate abdominal fat.

First of all, you should know that by reducing the amount of energy that is introduced into the body and increasing the amount of energy that is exerted , what is achieved is to have a negative energy balance. Here we are not talking about calorie control as it has always been misinterpreted in fat reduction, as many believe that by losing calories, you reduce or completely eliminate fat from the body.

What are the benefits of reducing fat in the body?

  1. Improvement of the health of the intestinal flora.
  2. Regulates hormones of metabolism .
  3. Significantly improves sleep patterns and body composition.
  4. Increase energy when doing any physical activity.

eliminar grasa abdominal rapidamente

What are the healthiest and easiest ways to lose belly fat?

1. Eat slowly

It takes the body 20 minutes to tell the brain that you are full. It is for this reason that it is important to eat slowly and chew each bite more often. Avoid eating in front of the television or computer to eliminate any distractions and eat more than necessary.

2. Change the way you see food

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring. When you change the way you see food, you will understand that your body is a perfect machine and food is the gasoline that will make it work correctly. It’s about eating to nourish yourself , not to fill you up.

una alimentacion sana evita la grasa abdominal

3. Significantly increase the consumption of vegetables and legumes

6 servings a day of legumes and vegetables is what a person should consume. Ideally, legumes should occupy half the plate, in addition, due to their high water content, you will feel a sensation of fullness more quickly.

4. Incorporate fiber into your eating plan.

Adequate fiber intake is approximately 35 grams per day. In the diet, it plays an extremely important role and also improves gastrointestinal health and the absorption of nutrients .

ingesta de fibra en una alimentacion balanceada

5. Eat more starchy carbohydrates

Fruits, legumes, and cereals are an excellent option. The more exercise you do, the more you can increase its consumption.

6. Increase your intake of healthy fats

Eating reasonable amounts of healthy fats is highly recommended for the body. Omega-3, coconut oil, peanut butter and nuts are a good source of fats that the body can assimilate in a natural and healthy way.

7. Eliminate the consumption of processed beverages

Remember, the more natural your diet, the more grateful your body will be to you . Avoid consuming highly processed beverages such as sodas, energy drinks, and artificially flavored waters. Some healthy options are Jamaica tea, flavored waters made by you with fresh fruits, green tea, etc.

alimentos para quemar grasa

What exercises should I do to lose belly fat?

1. Start your training routine with cardiovascular exercise

Get cardio exercise 2-4 times a week, no matter if it’s after strength training or on your rest day. This energy burn can maintain muscle mass.

2. Work on mobility and flexibility

Focusing on flexibility and mobility is very important, no matter if it is 10-15 minutes a day. Yoga or Tai Chi are excellent options.

Rest is a determining factor in losing belly fat

1. Sleep fully (Between 7 to 9 hours each night)

To know the number of hours to sleep everything, it is necessary to know the activities carried out throughout the day. The more active you are, and the more activities you do on a daily basis, the more your body needs to rest.

This is not a golden rule but the lack of rest or sleeping for a few hours is highly related to the gain of fat in the body.

2. Consider the quality of sleep

Another very important factor is to consider the quality of sleep you have. Reducing alcohol, caffeine, or light exposure before bed can have a significant and very positive impact on rest.

descanso para eliminar grasa abdominal


These simple but effective tips combined with the care of the intestinal flora, stress control and adequate rest will help you increase your energy levels, the desire to perform some physical activity and as a consequence, it will benefit you in the reduction of total fat of the body . What are you waiting for? They are just small daily adjustments that little by little will change your daily routine and your life completely.


  • Darren Beattie. How do I reduce body fat? To: quora [Revised November 2015]