The best fruits you can consume during the summer and what they bring you

Fruits are an excellent aid to lose weight because you can consume them between meals when you are hungry as a substitute for other more caloric snacks , and at the same time taking them will make your skin, your hair and your body in general benefit from vitamins , the minerals and antioxidants they contain. And, if that weren’t enough, if you take them cold they will help you stay hydrated and cool in the hottest months. Here we tell you which are the best fruits that you can consume during the summer and what they bring you.

The 9 best fruits you can consume during the summer


Sandía, una de las mejores frutas que puedes consumir durante el verano

Summers are incomplete without this red and juicy delight, which is one of the best fruits to eat during the summer. Watermelons are healthy and inexpensive, and they are not only a great source of water, but also vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is good for the eyes, while vitamin C supports the immune system. Watermelon also has vitamin B6 and potassium, which prevents muscle cramps and keeps the heart healthy. Also, eating watermelon helps prevent skin damage caused by the sun’s rays. It also helps prevent heat stroke and cancer, and improves heart health.


Melón, una de las mejores frutas que puedes consumir durante el verano

A single serving of cantaloupe can meet about half of our daily needs for vitamin C and A. Cantaloupe is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which stimulate the eyes, and provides a hydrating and refreshing effect at this time when the body is fatigued from the heat. During these hot months do not forget to add melon to your diet, as it is one of the best fruits you can consume in summer.


Mango, otra de las mejores frutas que puedes consumir durante el verano

Mangoes, while high in calories for a fruit, are a rich source of nutrients. This summer fruit is enriched with fiber and has up to 20 minerals and vitamins . Fiber helps digestion and helps keep you full. Mangoes are rich in vitamin A and C, and also in potassium. In addition, zeaxanthin, a pigment found in mangoes, protects the eyes by filtering ultraviolet radiation.



These citrus fruits are rich in potassium , a crucial nutrient in the summer. We lose potassium through sweat, which puts us at risk for muscle cramps. Eating oranges replenishes the supply of this mineral and keeps cramps at bay. Plus, oranges are also 80% water , so having a few juicy slices will keep you hydrated during the sweatiest days of summer.



Cherries are delicious and extremely easy to consume – perhaps for this reason they are a children’s favorite. Apart from numerous vitamins and minerals, they are loaded with resveratrol, an antioxidant capable of accelerating metabolism and helping to burn more calories , according to a study from Washington State University. On the other hand, researchers at the University of Georgia, Athens, have found that resveratrol supplementation also reduces weight gain and bone demineralization.



Strawberries have been used since time immemorial to treat many diseases, skin problems, teeth whitening, and digestive problems. Its bright color is due to flavonoids and phytonutrients. Strawberries are also rich in fiber, vitamin C, and manganese . You also get a considerable amount of folate and potassium in strawberries. Quercetin, a flavonoid found in strawberries, has anti-inflammatory benefits. Summer-related health and skin problems can be kept at bay by eating strawberries.



These round fruits are rich in dietary fiber and sorbitol, which combine to help relieve constipation and other digestive problems that occur in the summer due to heat and poor hydration. On the other hand, plums keep the heart healthy by regulating blood pressure levels and preventing strokes. Also, they have a low glycemic index, which means that you can eat prunes while on a diet.


Uvas, de las mejores frutas que puedes consumir durante el verano

Grapes are fruits that are easily available in summer. They are high in antioxidants and are a rich source of potassium . They are good for the knees and improve brain health, and they also prevent many viral infections and prevent degeneration of the eyes.



First, a fun fact: did you know that pineapple is not actually a fruit? A pineapple is a mass of individual berries that are fused to a central stem. Although they are really only compressed berries, pineapple cannot be missing from this list of the best fruits you can consume during the summer.

Pineapples are one of the best valued tropical fruits that exist because they help stimulate metabolism and reduce inflammation , thanks to which they regulate hypertension and also help burn calories.



Kiwi is one of the most nutritious fruits that exist. Some of these nutrients include vitamin A, C, and B6, and magnesium and iron. Eating kiwis helps to keep the hemoglobin levels in the blood stable and the alkaline balance in the body . Kiwis help with sleep-related problems and even Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They are great for the heart, skin, hair, and liver.



Fresh or dried, nectarines are a very important source of dietary fiber, and this makes them one of the best fruits you can consume during the summer. Both nectarines and apricots are rich in vitamin A and the antioxidant beta-carotene , while peaches contain a lot of vitamin C. Any of these seasonal fruits are good for this time of year, but we highlight nectarines because they have higher fiber content .



In addition to being high in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and help protect against summer colds, grapefruit is an amazing option for anyone trying to lose weight. Studies suggest that it can help stabilize insulin levels . Researchers from Vanderbilt University found that obese adults who consumed half a grapefruit before meals lost significantly more weight than the control group, who drank a glass of water.



Blueberries are a fruit that does not have as much tradition in Spain as in other countries, but they are increasingly present in our diet. And thank goodness, because they are a very complete fruit and are loaded with benefits: among them, it stands out that they are very effective in reducing high blood pressure. They’re also a low-glycemic food, which means they don’t produce drastic spikes in insulin triggered by other treats. You can eat them alone, in salad, in shakes, juices and smoothies, accompanied by yogurt … And even in ice cream!