7 things you should not say to someone who is not drinking alcohol

Many people with alcohol problems do not know when their alcohol consumption is out of control, and when they do they realize that it is because their bodies probably depend on it to function properly.

Recognizing that you suffer from alcoholism is the first step towards being alcohol-free; However, the process to solve this problem is not easy at all, and much less if you find yourself surrounded by people who ask questions that can be, although curious, uncomfortable.

If you know someone who is going through this situation, the best way to help them is to try not to ask questions that may be repetitive or even uncomfortable. Therefore, we show you the 7 things you should not say to someone who does not drink alcohol.

¿Qué no preguntar a alguien que no bebe alcohol?

7 questions you shouldn’t ask someone who doesn’t drink alcohol

1. Are you an alcoholic?

Many people who choose not to drink do so because they want to live healthier lives or because their body does not react well to alcohol. Just because someone doesn’t drink doesn’t mean they are a full-blown alcoholic.

Generally this is a very personal question, in which case the answer is yes, it is uncomfortable at levels outside the standard.

Although some find it entertaining to be the center of attention for these types of questions, those who are truly suffering and fighting the need to put alcohol aside , the least they want is to remember their problem, not to mention that it can be embarrassing to Many.

Elegir no beber para llevar una vida saludable

2. How long do you want to be sober?

When you are an alcoholic and decide to stop using, you do not do it thinking that you will fall back into the addiction and you will only be “some time sober.”

The truth is that when creating your goals, sober time must be absolute, it is not something temporary. By asking this question, you are stating that no matter how long an alcoholic stops drinking: they will probably fall back on their old ways once they have a drink. In fact, you are belittling their efforts.

Instead of asking this, supporting him and giving him words of encouragement is the best thing you can do.

Preguntas que no puedes hacer a un alcohólico

3. Will you never drink again?

This might be the most common question, but the one with no answer.

The truth is that when you are an alcoholic and you start to quit, you hope you won’t do it again, but even like everyone else, no one can predict the future.

If they decide to drink in the near future, they will, and in the best of cases they will have the necessary tools to deal with the situation.

¿Cómo evitar no recaer en el alcoholismo?

4. Don’t you miss drinking?

An alcoholic loves to drink, and even though he’s quitting, that won’t change, at least initially.

Of course they miss drinking because of the positive things it brings, like being a little more spontaneous and making friends more easily. But if they have put this life aside, it is because it has also brought them problems, such as endless apologies, unexplained injuries or hangovers, not to mention all the negative consequences that have damaged their health.

¿Qué problemas trae ingerir bebidas alcohólicas?

5. Are you pregnant?

It is important to know that just because a woman is not drinking, it does not mean that she is pregnant. Also, the answer to this question is probably none of your business if she doesn’t share it with you herself.

Some women prefer to keep their pregnancies a secret until they feel comfortable, so someone asking this directly can be a bit unsettling and very uncomfortable. So, in any existing situation, even if your curiosity is prompting you to do it, the best thing to do is not ask this.

Evita preguntar a una mujer si está embarazada

6. Can’t you have just one drink?

This is a problem that many people do not understand, and that is that when you are an alcoholic you simply cannot “have just one drink.”

When people with alcohol problems drink, they do so to get drunk, and it is really difficult to get out of the situation once they have “had just one drink.”

Support your friend who tries to stop drinking and do not try to convince him to drink, as one drink can end in eight, and the next day with a hangover, reminding himself why he had stopped drinking.

Evitar convencer a alguien para que beba alcohol

7. Is it better if the rest of us don’t drink?

This question, although a bit tedious, can be understood. However, it is good to assume that if an alcoholic person decides to go out to a restaurant or with his friends, he is mentally prepared for that type of situation.

Most alcoholics have some understanding of what they can and cannot handle, especially those who are already a few years sober. Asking once is understandable, but you shouldn’t keep asking all night, as it gets annoying.

Qué no preguntar a una persona con alcoholismo


When it comes to being with someone who has decided to stop drinking, you should refrain from asking certain questions that can be tedious and uncomfortable.

Support it, understand it and have fun with it. Appreciate him as a sober person and you will feel that you do not need any type of alcoholic substance to be accepted.


  • Leipholtz, B. 10 Things Never to Say to Someone Who Isn’t Drinking. For Livestrong. [Revised March 2019].