The best foods for cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular disease can affect any type of person. Although, of course, they have a close relationship with our way of life, and the lack of healthy habits. Foods for cardiovascular health are a key piece for both prevention and recovery. It is for this reason that we want to offer you the best information about the best foods you should eat to keep your heart strong and healthy .

There are many factors that are involved in our cardiovascular health. A sedentary lifestyle, consumption of alcohol and tobacco have strong negative repercussions that can be devastating. The same thing happens with nutrition, which turns out to be a key piece to avoid the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is something to which we must pay special attention since it is a very serious matter. According to the WHO: “It is estimated that in 2012 17.5 million people died from this cause, which represents 31% of all registered deaths in the world. Of these deaths, 7.4 million were due to coronary heart disease, and 6.7 million, to stroke ”.

The main cause of death in the world is cardiovascular diseases, which do not understand sex or age, so they can affect any type of person. That is why it is important that you avoid risks by acquiring healthy habits in your day to day. The people most exposed to suffering from this type of disease are those who do not attend, above all, properly to their diet, or to dedicate time to physical exercise. We are going to offer you a list of the best foods for cardiovascular health that you cannot miss in your diet.

The most beneficial foods for cardiovascular health

Consuming these foods has been shown to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease . Due to their nutrients and nutritional value, they are the best option when it comes to taking into account the health of our heart.


Walnuts are a classic ally of cardiovascular health. Its regular consumption helps us reduce the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it also reduces its incidence. This is due to its high content of omega 3 fats, since it has phytosterols, being a substance that is quite useful for reducing blood cholesterol levels .

Nueces para el corazón


Avocado is one of the most beneficial fruits, especially for people who have cardiovascular disease, since it is composed of fats that help regulate and normalize cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Various studies have shown that avocado, thanks to its rich content of omega 3 fats, helps prevent thrombosis and blood clots that form in blood vessels . It prevents cardiac arrhythmia and, in addition, it prevents us from accumulating the harmful fats that are typical of cardiovascular diseases.

Extra virgin olive oil

This is one of the basic and essential cardiovascular health foods in Mediterranean cuisine, and we should consume it every day. Thanks to its content of monounsaturated fats, it helps to reduce bad cholesterol and also to raise good cholesterol. Due to its contribution in vitamin E it also serves as an antioxidant to prevent damage to the capillaries . This liquid so precious in our culture, protects us from conditions such as arteriosclerosis, since it is beneficial to keep blood pressure under control.


White and blue fish are a good option for a healthy diet. But specifically, salmon is the most recommended for its content of polyunsaturated type DHA fats that help increase the levels of good cholesterol. According to a study that was published in the prestigious scientific journal Journal of the American College of Cardiology, eating fish regularly, between two and three times a week, is one of the main keys to keeping our hearts healthy. It is because its fats are involved in reducing bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol and increasing fluidity in the blood.

Salmon para el corazón


They are a good supply of high quality vegetable proteins, and thanks to their low fat content they are a fundamental food in any diet to reduce blood cholesterol . According to recent studies, people who eat legumes daily have up to 22% lower risk of heart disease, compared to those who consume legumes from time to time.


This is one of the superfoods that you cannot miss in your diet . Not only is it proven to help fight various types of cancer, but it is also good for your heart health. In general, vegetables and fruits are essential in a healthy diet, thanks to their content of fibers, minerals, vitamins, water, enzymes, etc., which help fight cardiovascular diseases. But, in addition, broccoli contains zinc, iron, folic acid, vitamin K, calcium and antioxidants, giving us extra protection against the risk of cardiovascular accidents.