The best exercises for each muscle group that you can do

A good workout is one that does not forget any part of the body. Many people are unaware that they are continually working the same muscle group despite doing different exercises. In gyms there are usually training tables where there are marked a series of exercises for each muscle group . Normally, these tables already specify which muscles you will be working, the number of repetitions and the approximate time that the exercise will last. However, we will explain which are the best exercises for each muscle group so that you can do them at home or anywhere.

The muscle groups are:

  • Arms and shoulders.
  • Pectorals, back and abdomen.
  • Legs and buttocks.

We have divided each muscle group into zones and, for each zone, we have chosen two very simple but effective exercises.

The best exercises for each muscle group

Arms and shoulders


To work the arms we recommend dips or dippings between benches and diamond push-ups .

To perform the first exercise correctly, take two benches or stools that have good traction so that they do not slip on the floor and place them in parallel. Rest your hands on the edge of one and place your feet on the other in such a way that the body is suspended in the air, without any support. Next, do a forearm pushup followed by an extension .

The diamond push-ups are a variation of the traditional push-ups , but in this case, the position of the hands changes. Place your hands at shoulder height in a triangle. That is, the index fingers and thumbs of both hands have to be as close as possible, even touching . In this position, begin to do push-ups keeping your body straight and your shoulders firm so as not to curve your back.


To work shoulders we will row to the neck and horizontal row to one hand with weight .

To properly do the neck row , stand with your legs slightly apart and your back straight, then grab a barbell with your hands apart. Start slowly raising the bar to your chin and then lower it without making any sudden movements.

To perform the one-hand horizontal row, you can use dumbbells or an object that weighs and has on hand, such as a bottle of water. Rest one knee on one end of one bench and your hand on the other. With your back straight and the arm that supports the weight fully stretched towards the ground, begin to slowly bring the dumbbell up to your back, flexing your elbow above it . Then return to the starting position without making sudden movements. You will have to repeat the same exercise with the other arm.

Pectorals, back and abdomen


The svend press is ideal for strengthening the pecs. Squeeze a disc with the palms of your hands and place it at chest level. Once in this position, you will have to move the disc away from your chest , that is, forward and in a straight line, and bring it closer again . All this while still squeezing the disk.

Press svend para fortalecer pectorales

To work the pectorals you can also resort to traditional push-ups .


The Superman exercise is perfect for the back. To do this correctly, lie face down on a surface that is comfortable for you and stretch your feet and arms , then raise them over and over again without touching the ground . Elevations have to be mild or you could hurt your neck and lower back. There is another option and it is to raise the right foot at the same time as the left arm and the right arm at the same time as the left leg. Both options are just as good.

To work your back you can also do push-ups in a supine position . This variant is not very well known, but it is very simple. Lie down facing up, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor and place your arms at your sides. Then, bend your elbows 90 degrees and directing your hands upward, push your elbows into the ground to raise your shoulders and back . Lower slowly and repeat the movement.


We cannot forget about the abdomen. We recommend leg flapping. To perform the exercise you will have to lie on the floor on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs extended . Raise your head and legs off the ground and begin alternating vertical leg flaps.

To further strengthen the abdomen you can resort to the classic abdominals.

Hacer abdominales fortalece el abdormen

Legs and buttocks


To work the legs, very complicated exercises are not necessary. Squats and lunges are great for strengthening them.

Squats will strengthen your quadriceps, abductors, adductors, and hamstrings. With the strides you will work especially the quadriceps. If you want to increase the level of this last exercise, grab a pair of dumbbells.


We may think that leg exercises already work the glutes enough, but this is not the case. To get firm buttocks it will be necessary to do exercises that work especially on this part. We recommend the floor pelvic lift and hip extensions . also known as donkey kick .

To correctly perform the pelvic lift on the floor, you will need to lie down with your arms extended at your sides and the palms of your hands on the floor . Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, and raise your pelvis. You have to form a kind of bridge with the body. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position, but before touching the buttocks on the floor, raise them again. To increase the level of exercise you can put weight on the pelvis.

To do the second exercise, put your knees on the floor in line with your hips and do the same with your hands but aligning them with your shoulders . With your back straight, raise your knee until the back of your thigh makes a straight line with your hips and torso . Lower your leg and return your knee to the ground to do the same with the other leg.

Last tips

The exercises that we have chosen to work each muscle group can be done at home or anywhere because a very specific material is not needed . You can replace the bench with one or two stools and the dumbbells, bar and plates with one or two heavy objects. In addition, some of the exercises are already well known, such as push-ups or adbominals, so they do not require prior knowledge . To do these exercises it is not necessary to have a high resistance or level . This does not mean that they are not effective, in fact we consider them the best exercises for each muscle group .

These exercises can be done between 3 and 5 times a week and the sessions should not exceed 60 minutes . If you are starting, we recommend that you start 3 days a week and the sessions last about 30 minutes. When you get more resistance, increase the days of training and also the duration. You can also raise the level of the exercises by adding or increasing weight . Go at your own pace and don’t force your body or you could injure yourself.