The 7 easiest ways to lose weight through diet

We all want to have a slim figure and feel good about ourselves, but when we think about losing weight we say I will not be able to! Dieting is very difficult! I'm not going on the diet!

Thinking of you, we have looked for 7 easier ways to lose weight through diet , which are practical, comfortable, easy to follow and you can do them from your day to day, without having to work too hard.

Find out what they are, remove those extra kilos from your body and achieve the figure you want.

Cómo perder peso a través de la dieta

7 ways to lose weight through diet

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee helps our metabolism to activate and burn more fat. A study showed that cyclists who drank an espresso one hour before starting their race managed to burn calories at rest and increased fat burning by 15% after the race.

Therefore, we recommend that you drink approximately 270 milligrams of coffee before your workout to help increase the amount of calories you want to burn post-workout .

El café ayuda a acelerar tu metabolismo

2. Double your protein intake

When you start a weight loss diet, part of what you lose is muscle too. A study conducted showed that participants who doubled their protein intake lost the same amount of weight, but much less muscle than those who did not.

In this sense, so that you lose weight but not muscle, we recommend that you consume 1.5 grams of protein for every 0.91 kilograms of body weight. In addition, the consumption of proteins helps you to activate your metabolism and to feel full for much longer.

Duplica tu ingesta de proteína para perder peso

3. Leave behind the guilt of cravings

In a study conducted by the University of Canterbury on a group of people, it was determined that 27 percent of those who associated the consumption of chocolate cake as causing weight gain, are the least likely to maintain their weight for a year and medium compared to 73 percent of people who only associate it with a celebratory dessert.

It's important to keep in mind that craving and guilt can be your enemies if you want to lose weight.

Las ansias son tus enemigos para perder peso

4. Be careful with white bread

The consumption limit for white bread is 120 grams per week, that is, four to five slices. According to Spanish researchers, people who only eat white bread are 40 percent more likely to be overweight. Therefore, avoid consuming more than recommended and remember that you can alternate it with whole wheat bread.

El pan blanco no es bueno en exceso

5. Start your mornings with protein

According to the researchers, start your mornings with a larger serving of protein for breakfast; eggs or ham makes you less prone to overeating the rest of the day . Therefore, consume at least 20 grams of protein in your breakfasts.

Consume proteínas en tus desayunos para perder peso

6. Cut down on carbohydrates

One of the most reliable strategies for short-term weight loss is to gradually reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.

Dutch researchers found that eating one carbohydrate-free meal a day over a 2-week period can help increase your metabolic rate by 81 calories per day. The key is to make the meal contain about 70 percent protein and zero carbohydrates.

You should be aware of stealth sources of carbohydrates such as milk, sausages and barbecue sauce among others.

Reduce los carbohidratos para perder peso

7. Replace foods, don't suppress them

Cutting calories drastically can leave you feeling mentally and physically burdened. Therefore, when you start your plan to lose weight, it is necessary that you make an adjustment in your meals and always incorporate nutrients such as healthy fats, fiber and protein.

For example, you can add flaxseeds to your yogurt instead of granola for breakfast, and add a handful of fresh spinach to your pasta sauce for dinner.

Qué alimentos escoger para no engordar


  • The 9 Easiest Ways to Lose Weight with Your Diet. For Bicycling [Revised December 2017]