The 6 best hobbies to reduce anxiety

When was the last time a severe anxiety attack ruined your manicure? We are used to living in a world where everything moves very fast and in different directions, so it is not unusual to find people with problems controlling anxiety .

It may seem stupid, but, if not controlled in time, this condition can lead not only to biological diseases, but also to psychological ones.

In response to the need for stable mental health, we present you the best hobbies to reduce anxiety .

6 hobbies to reduce anxiety

1. Paint and journal

Do you feel that you do not rest even in your free time? It may be time to put social media aside and bring out your inner artist. There is nothing better than creativity to reduce anxiety.

Instead of wasting hours and hours in front of your mobile phone screen compulsively tweeting your problems of the day, it was time to pick up the brushes and paint a good picture – you don’t necessarily have to be good at first – or write a journal, either from real or fictitious events. The trick here is to exploit creativity.

You can even, if you’re comfortable with it and it doesn’t affect your concentration, put on some music to inspire the flow of ideas. A glass of wine can also put you in tune so that art begins to flow within you. However, be careful with the latter: wine, if you are not sufficiently hydrated, can increase your anxiety . Double your water intake to avoid it.

Pintar para reducir la ansiedad

2. Read or watch an attractive television program

According to various experts, one of the best methods of dealing with anxiety is to redirect it to someone else, even if they are part of fiction. And for this, what better than a good television program or an interesting book?

Acquire as many books as you can, those that may seem most interesting to you, and start reading. Make sure to choose something light reading, as there is nothing more distressing than doing a reading that you do not like and that you also do not even understand.

And if you are not one of those who enjoys words, you can always opt for television content. Find a TV show or series that you love, and get sucked into someone else’s story. These kinds of distractions will take you away from your problems and help you control your anxiety .

Leer para reducir la ansiedad

3. Spending time outdoors

There is nothing better than getting in touch with nature to control an anxiety problem. In fact, it is one of the healthiest and best methods that can exist. The reason? First of all, it implies two things: movement and the presence of the sun. These items, either in combination or separately, tend to be a medical recommendation for almost any condition. In addition, breathing fresh air is proven to lift your spirits .

If you haven’t tried it yet, you could start climbing, biking, bird watching, whatever! The offer is so rich and varied that you can try everything until you find what you like the most, and without getting bored. Going out daily will greatly benefit your mental health . 

So don’t let too hot or cold weather keep you from enjoying the environment. Whether it’s snow or a warm sun, as long as you’re prepared – with the right clothes and accessories – the temperature doesn’t matter!

Tiempo libre para reducir el estrés

4. Exercise attention

An important part of being able to deal with this problem is having the ability to put everything that happens in your head in order. For that, hobbies that keep you focused are the best options to reduce anxiety.

Yes, we are talking about chess, puzzles and those kinds of games: hobbies that force you to be focused on what you do, since they are excellent to help control your thoughts when you feel too anxious .

For people who are in constant movement and excess of activities, yoga and meditation are ideal, as they limit both physical and mental movement. The trick is to be able to blank your mind and let all the problems go.

Los mejores hobbies contra la ansiedad

5. Exercise

As most of you know, exercise is one of the best anxiety control activities out there. Not only does it allow your heart to pump at a good rate, but it also releases hormones like adrenaline, which will help lift your spirits. Plus, exercising isn’t just good for your mental health. Various physical ailments can be easily cured with a little daily exercise.

This is a great option for those who enjoy exercising. However, if you feel that more than a hobby is a real torture, this may not be your thing. On the other hand, you can always take a dance or martial arts class that you’re really excited to go to.

Beneficios de hacer ejercicio para la ansiedad

6. Take self-improvement classes

Adding one more responsibility to the pile of things you have to do – and which you may be anxious about – may not seem like the most logical thing to do, but if you are looking for hobbies that can help you combat anxiety , a self -improvement class is a must. fabulous idea.

Think about it: who can feel anxious while enjoying a fun casino salsa class or an exhilarating cooking session. Activities like learning to cook, play an instrument, or even juggling classes will help you maintain control over your emotions. In addition, they will distract you from external problems. You can turn these moments of the week into your little oasis.

The more time you invest in these kinds of activities, the more you will increase your self-esteem and distract yourself from the things that worry you. And not only will you feel empowered, but you can also minimize the control anxiety has over your life .

El automejoramiento personal como remedio para la ansiedad


  • Enochs, Elizabeth. A therapist shares 6 hobbies that are great for reducing anxiety. For Business Insider. [Revised March 2017].