Cellulite: its causes and the best treatments against it

Did you know that cellulite affects 98% of women? You are right; Cellulite, although not specifically classified as a disease, turns out to be a “common evil” for thousands and millions of women around the world.

Now, women are not the only ones who are at risk for cellulite ; in some cases, cellulite can also occur in men. This condition can cause different effects, both physical and emotional, such as depression, anxiety, fear of being seen, and even stress.

If you suffer from cellulite, or you know someone who suffers from it and you want to help him / her, do not hesitate to discover everything you need to know about cellulite.

Cómo tratar la celulitis

Definitive guide on cellulite

1. What is cellulite?

Cellulite is nothing more than a skin condition caused by changes in the structure of the fat cells and connective tissues found under the skin. All this results in the skin going from being uniform to having some bumps, or having the appearance of the rind of an orange (orange peel).

As a consequence of these changes, the fat cells increase in size and begin to be noticeable above the skin. It usually happens in common areas, such as the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.

They are commonly classified according to their severity:

1.1 Types of cellulite

  • Grade 0: no cellulite.
  • Grade 1: soft skin when standing, but when sitting down you begin to notice bumps in the skin.
  • Grade 2: bumps appear both standing and sitting.
  • Grade 3: in addition to appearing at all times, deep areas are noticeable in the skin.

However, there is still no standard scientific method for determining or classifying cellulite .

Tipos de celulitis

2. Causes of cellulite

Incredibly, the reason for the appearance of cellulite is still being investigated by scientists; however, it is considered to be a mixture of different factors such as: hormones, gender, lifestyle, inflammation, age, body shape, and genetic susceptibility.

2.1 Hormones

Although until now there is no exact reason for the appearance of cellulite, there is a theory that hormones play an important role in its formation.

Some hormones such as insulin or catecholamines are involved in the breakdown and storage of fat in the body; therefore, it has been argued that hormonal imbalances of this type (such as high insulin levels) could increase a person’s risks of developing cellulite .

Estrogen imbalance in women can also be a cause of cellulite ; if so, it would explain the development of cellulite after puberty or in processes such as menopause and pregnancy.

Despite this theory, to this day there is no scientific basis for the relationship between cellulite and hormonal imbalance .

¿Por qué aparece la celulitis?

2.2 Gender

As mentioned above, women are much more likely to develop cellulite than men.

This could be so due to the difference between the structure of the fat under the skin in women and men. In the case of women, the fat cells protrude vertically above the skin, while in men these cells protrude horizontally.

In this way, fat cells in women may be more likely to “pierce” the connective tissue and become visible above the skin, while in men these cells, being horizontal, rarely become visible. .

Given these structural differences, it could be evidenced why cellulite appears in women and not in men.

2.3 Lifestyle

Some scientists claim that a sedentary lifestyle can promote the appearance of cellulite. By leading a sedentary lifestyle, blood flow throughout the body is most likely to be reduced, and cellulite has precisely been linked to poor blood circulation in the affected areas.

For this reason, it is believed that, by leading a more active lifestyle (exercising or other physical activities), there is a lower risk of suffering from cellulite.

In any case, exercise not only helps prevent cellulite , but also benefits the whole body in general.

2.4 Diet

Although the relationship between diet and the causes of cellulite has not yet been fully studied, some scientists claim that a diet that contains excessive amounts of carbohydrates makes cellulite look worse.

A diet with excess carbohydrates generates an increase in insulin production and an increase in fat in general. Excess salt could also be related to the appearance of cellulite because, by producing more fluid retention, greater inflammation is generated in the body. Therefore, as a result of such inflammation, cellulite could be more visible.

Therefore, consuming excess salt, carbohydrates and saturated fat could lead to the appearance of cellulite or worse, make it more visible.

Factores que influyen en la aparición de la celulitis

3. Treatments for cellulite

Although there is no specific cure, there are some alternative treatments that can improve the appearance of cellulite on the skin. Some of them are the following:

3.1 Creams and lotions

There are many creams and lotions on the market that claim to make cellulite disappear. These products generally contain different ingredients (such as caffeine and retinol) that can help:

  • Break down the fat.
  • Improve blood flow.
  • Improve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Reduce fluid retention.

However, it is not yet totally clear what is the scope of creams and lotions as a treatment to cure cellulite .

Mejores tratamientos para la celulitis

3.2 Massages

Massages in the areas affected by cellulite can lead one of the most used methods to improve cellulite . Those who practice it claim that gentle massages help drain excess fluid that causes inflammation and improve the appearance of cellulite.

In fact, some studies have shown that massages are a good mechanism to treat cellulite in the short term, showing improvements in the smoothness and uniformity of the skin.

Mecanismos para mejorar la celulitis

3.3 Acoustic wave therapy

Acoustic wave therapy sends low-energy shock waves through the cellulite-affected area, which may contribute to better blood flow, reduce fluid retention, and break down fat.

Some studies have found that such acoustic wave treatment can be effective as a cellulite treatment, while others claim the opposite.

Because there are mixed results, new research is still needed that can corroborate one or the other position.

Cómo reducir la celulitis

3.4 Laser

The use of lasers or “light therapies” are some of the treatments used to correct cellulite . To this day, these treatments have not been totally successful in eliminating cellulite.

However, some studies have certified that invasive laser therapy can help significantly improve cellulite, especially due to its ability to rejuvenate the skin and increase collagen production.

Despite such benefits, further research is still needed.

Formas de tratar la celulitis

3.5 Other treatments

There are other treatments that help cure cellulite , some of them are:

  • Radiofrequency treatment.
  • Supplements: ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, among others.
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Subcision.
  • Collagen injections.

Like most cellulite treatments, the research, studies and evidence to determine its effectiveness is scarce, making it difficult to determine the extent of its benefits.


Cellulite can appear even if you try to prevent it, affecting mostly women. If you want to solve this problem, you can choose one of the treatments described above; however, so far there are no treatments that can be effective in the long term.

Therefore, the best alternative to cure cellulite that you can choose is to have a healthy diet, eliminate bad habits and sedentary lifestyle, exercise and, of course, maintain an adequate weight. In this way you will be able to maintain a good physical shape, a comprehensive improvement of your health and, of course, reduce cellulite in your body .


  • Helen West. “Cellulite Causes & Common Treatments”. For Authority Nutrition [Revised March 2017]