The 5 best exercises to tone your legs

The tendency to want to have a space between the inner thighs should disappear, since there is nothing wrong with that.

In fact, toning this area can be the key to having strong and attractive legs . You can achieve this by dedicating about 7 minutes to the inner thighs two or three times a day, two or three days a week.

These five are the main exercises to tone this troublesome area.

5 exercises to tone your legs

1. Lateral leg raises with bands

Although it is a small move, it can be super effective. As a reward, you will also lightly work your abdomen with this exercise.

How to do it?

Acuéstate sobre tu lado izquierdo en el suelo y coloca una mini-banda alrededor de los tobillos. Descansa el brazo izquierdo en el suelo y tu mano derecha en el suelo delante de tu pecho. Sin mover ninguna otra parte de tu cuerpo, levanta la pierna derecha tan alto como puedas. Haz una pausa y luego vuelve a la posición inicial.

elevación lateral

2. Globet squats

This exercise works all the muscles in the lower body. To further focus the work on your thighs, spread your feet a little further than shoulder width apart.

How to do it?

Hold a dumbbell upright next to your chest, with both hands supporting the head of the dumbbell. Lower your body as far as possible, pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause and then push back to the starting position.

3. Lateral lunge

This move targets your adductors, but it will also activate your quads and glutes.

How to do it?

Put your hands on your hips, pull your shoulders back, as much as you can. Levanta tu pie izquierdo, y da un gran paso hacia la izquierda, a medida de que empujas las caderas hacia atrás y bajas tu cuerpo dejando caer tus caderas y dobla la rodilla izquierda. Take a pause , luego empuja rápidamente de nuevo a la posición inicial.

zancadas laterales

4. Pulley hip pull

Este movimiento se dirige a los músculos isquiotibiales, así como los aductores. Además, puede ayudar a formar unos glúteos redondos.

How to do it?

Take one end of the rope in each hand, and stand with your back to the weight stack. Bend at the hips and knees and lower your torso until it is at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Push your hips forward, and lift your torso back to the starting position.

5. Sumo squats

This multitasking move targets your thighs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, core and even the shoulders.

How to do it?

Hold the head of a heavy dumbbell in each hand, and hold the weight with your arm extended below your waist. Place your feet twice the width of your shoulders. Squeeze your abs, and lower your body as far as you can, pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, and then slowly push yourself back to the starting position.


  • Erin Foley. Trainers’ Top Exercises For Tightening And Toning Your Inner Thighs. For [Revised December 2015].