The 4 best teas to combat nausea

Between so many daily commitments and occupations, we sometimes forget ourselves and become stressed, a condition that sometimes produces physical symptoms such as nausea. However, this symptom could also be manifested by high levels of cholesterol in the blood, pregnancy or a sudden movement.

Whatever the cause, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate those nausea that upset us   and that could get worse. In this sense, nature provides us with herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables that help to calm these symptoms and that can even act in a curative way in specific parts of our body.

Find out which teas can be useful to combat nausea .

Tés que alivian los síntomas de náuseas

4 teas to calm nausea

1. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a sweet-tasting yellow wildflower. Since ancient times, it has been used for different conditions, among which digestive problems, nausea and dizziness stand out. It can even act as a relaxant.

The chamomile infusion is widely used by pregnant women to combat nausea , but they should exercise caution and consult their doctor because it is not always recommended for all pregnant women.

Taking chamomile extract at least 2 times a day can reduce nausea and even repeated vomiting (if any). To prepare it, follow these steps:

1.1 Preparation

There are already ready chamomile bags that you can find in supermarkets, pharmacies or on the internet; But it doesn’t matter if you find the chamomile flowers: they are both prepared in the same way.

  1. In a cup of boiling water, place 1 tablespoon of the chamomile flowers or a sachet.
  2. Stir for 5 minutes while it cools. You can sweeten with honey if you wish.
  3. Drink this tea 2 times a day to make it more effective.
El extracto de manzanilla es recomendable para calmar las náuseas

2. Ginger tea

Ginger root is an herb that is also used for many things, including fighting nausea and vomiting, which can occur for different causes.

One of the most common reasons for nausea, apart from pregnancy, is due to the consequences of taking certain medications or some strong treatment to which you are subjected. For example, chemotherapy. In this sense, a study carried out on a group of people who were following this treatment showed that, by consuming at least half a gram of concentrated ginger, the symptoms of nausea were considerably reduced (Ryan et al., 2012).

This is how you should go about preparing a ginger tea:

2.1 Preparation

  1. Peel a piece of ginger while boiling some water.
  2. Grate it and soak it in hot water for about 15 minutes.
  3. At the end of the time, proceed to strain it and add a little cinnamon or honey so that the flavor is not so strong.
La raíz de jengibre es usada para aliviar las náuseas

3. Mint tea

Mint is a herb with a pleasant aroma and flavor to which several medicinal properties are attributed: it is decongestant, anti-inflammatory, digestive and analgesic. It is for these last two properties that it is used to reduce nausea .

3.1 Preparation

To make an aromatic mint tea , you need to do the following:

  1. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil.
  2. Add about 10 mint leaves. Let them boil for 10 minutes so that the water absorbs its properties and better combat the discomfort of nausea.
El té de menta es relajante y combate las náuseas

4 . Lemon and honey tea

This tea that mixes the flavor of a sour fruit with the viscous and sweet fluid produced by bees is widely used not only for the benefits it brings, but also as a refreshing drink.

Both lemon and honey have properties that help fight diseases and annoying symptoms such as nausea. In fact, there are people who claim that just smelling the lemon has calmed their nausea. However, for a greater effect, it is advisable to have a rich lemon tea with honey. To do this, follow these steps.

4.1 Preparation

  1. Heat a cup of water.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of honey.
  3. Squeeze half a lemon into the cup with water and honey, stir and you’re done. You will see how in a short time the nausea disappears and you will feel better.
El té de limón y miel combate las náuseas


  • Link, R. The 6 best teas for nausea. For Healthline. [Revised December 2019]
  • Ryan, JL, Heckler CE, Roscoe, JA, Dakhil, SR, Kirshner, J., Flynn, PJ, Hickok, JT and Morrow, GR (2012). Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) reduces acute chemotherapy-induced nausea: A URCC CCOP study of 576 patients. Support Care Cancer . doi: 10. 1007 / s00520-011-1236-3.