17 exercises for patients in bed

You may have had to take care of a patient in your life, or you may be doing it now. Staying in bed does not necessarily mean a permanent condition. Most surgeries require patients to be in bed and rest for a period of time. It can be for a day, two days, a couple of weeks, and sometimes even months.

It is usually longer for patients who have suffered serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injury or spinal injury. In all cases, there are many things you need to take care of. You’ve probably heard that bedridden patients need to change sides every two hours , and that hygiene and exercise are very important to them, so they can build strength and recover faster.

People who are bedridden need to exercise to prevent their muscles from atrophying and shortening . Muscle atrophy occurs when muscles become thin and weak. Exercises that stretch and strengthen muscles help prevent or minimize these complications, although some exercises require the help of a caregiver.

hombre en cama de hospital

Why are bedside exercises important?

For the elderly and bedridden patients, daily tasks for them are restricted. They cannot do what they did on a daily basis. Muscle inactivity for a long time can cause complications, it can even hinder recovery and progress.

Blood clots can also form in inactive patients. Light exercise also prevents bedsores . There are very simple exercises to keep the muscles of patients healthy and active when they are bedridden. You already know that active body, active mind. Start out slow and do five reps of each exercise. You can increase the number of repetitions each next day.

The best exercises for bedridden patients

Head turns

You can do this exercise both lying down and sitting on the bed. Turn your head slowly from one end to the other. Take your head to the extreme until you feel a slight stretch and tension. Do this five times a day and increase the number of repetitions after a few days.

If you have to do it to a patient, do it slowly, as long as the doctor gives the okay.

Head rotation

You can do this while sitting. Tilt your head to the side and then slowly rotate it 360 degrees. Repeat it five times from one side. Then turn your head in the opposite direction.

Palm stretches

Palm stretches are one of the most basic exercises a patient can do in bed. Open your palm and spread your fingers as far as you can for a few seconds until you feel a stretch. Touch your thumb with each finger separately. Repeat with the other hand.


We shrug our shoulders every day. Shrugging is a very good exercise for bedridden patients. They should do it sitting down and shrug their shoulders so that they reach the level of the back of the head. Do it five to ten times a day.

Arm lift (forward and side)

This is a simple exercise. All you have to do is raise your right arm as high as you can above your head. After doing this five times, do it with your left arm.

Raise your arm again directly in front of you. Change arms after five times. These are forward arm lifts. When you lift your arm to the side, these are lateral arm raises. You can do it one by one for each arm; or if you prefer, you can do it for both arms at the same time.

Shrugging your shoulders and raising your arms are great for building muscle strength for changing clothes, combing your hair, etc.

Bicep curls

You can do bicep curls while lying down or sitting. Without moving your elbow, bend it as if you are trying to touch your shoulder with your hand. Do this five times with each arm.

Arms crosses

Swing your arms out to the sides until you feel a slight stretch. Then move your arms toward each other so that they cross each other. Arms crosses are great exercises to reach for objects from the table or from the sides.

Wrist rotation

Rotating the wrist is another one of the many simple and easy exercises. Stretch your hands in front of you and rotate your wrists. Then change the direction of rotation. This will improve circulation to your hands and fingers.

Push the arm

Place your arms close to you with your palms extended outward. Then push like you’re really pushing something away from yourself. It doesn’t have to be a violent movement, always controlled and painless.

Finger push-ups and splits

Finger bending is simply curling the fingers into a fist. Spread and stretch your fingers again. Separate your index finger and thumb and then touch them to each other. These are the extended fingers.

Leg rotation

You can do this while lying down. Lie down straight and lift one of your legs. Ask your caregiver to lift it as high as possible towards you. Then roll onto your left side. Go back immediately after a few seconds. Then roll onto your right side. Do this for both legs.


You can do this while sitting and lying down. Keep one of your legs still. Move the other leg out, away from the first leg. Then bring her back. Repeat for the same leg a couple of times. Do the same with the other leg.

Toe curls

When you are lying down, point and flex your toes. Stretch them out and then towards you. You can also ask your caregiver to do it for you, in case you do not have a mobile in that area or you are not aware of it.

Ankle rotation

Spread your legs. You can be sitting or lying on your back for this exercise. Raise your leg slightly off the surface. Then, rotate your ankles clockwise and counterclockwise, five times each. You can do it for both ankles at the same time or separately.

Ankle curls

You can do this while sitting or lying on your back. Bend your foot so your toes point toward the ceiling and then back. You can also do this with your leg raised, so your knee does not need to be bent.

Side rolls

Rolling is a perfect exercise for all the muscles of the body. Rolling slowly on the side is easy and effective. Doing this several times a day will improve your fitness.

Hip lifts

Hip raises are a bit difficult, but not impossible for patients. Try lying on your back and slightly lifting your hips off the bed. Hold them in the air for a few seconds before lowering them again.

Anyone can do these exercises. You also don’t need to be a professional to do this with your elders. Even if you’re on bed rest for a couple of days, it doesn’t mean you can skip them as well.