The 11 most frequent sequelae that COVID19 can produce

Since the Covid19 began to be talked about in December 2019, there are still many unknowns surrounding this virus. The reasons why the contagion and the way of suffering it are so diverse are still unknown. There are people who have gone through it without noticing a single change in their routine, while others have not been able to survive its consequences. In order to try to clear your doubts, throughout this article we are going to focus on the most frequent consequences that COVID19 can produce . The main thing, always, is to be responsible, protecting oneself and in turn others to avoid each one of them.

More frequent sequelae that COVID19 can produce

Considering that it is an unknown virus , it is not yet really known how it works in infected people. However, it is true that from the research carried out so far, we can list the most frequent sequelae that COVID19 can produce . We will describe each of them in this section.

Aggravation of pneumonia

It was one of the most worrying faces of the coronavirus, pneumonia . After analyzing the health status of those who have passed through the ICU in recent months and have suffered from this disease, it has been concluded that it has become chronic, with those who have been infected with recurrent inflammation. This fact is due to the immune problems that occur due to Covid19 .

Kidney problems

If there is something that stands out about Covid19, it is that its symptoms are very varied. In this way, while in the previous point we talked about how it damages the lungs, now we focus on the kidneys. According to the data provided so far, twenty percent of the patients who have had to be in the ICU for contracting the coronavirus have needed dialysis for their recovery , even after leaving the hospital.

secuelas más frecuentes que la COVID19 puede producir

Muscular atrophy

Muscle atrophy is another of the serious consequences of the coronavirus . Above all, it affects those patients who have required prolonged hospitalization and assisted ventilation. After analyzing this problem, protocols have been created to give more mobility to the most serious patients. Given the situation, it is not easy to transfer a person to a rehabilitation room . Moreover, not even professionals can approach those involved as it should to perform a therapy really in conditions.

Cardiorespiratory problems

Another of the most frequent sequelae that COVID19 can produce is cardiorespiratory problems . The time a patient spends in the ICU with pneumonia can lead to cardiorespiratory problems even in the months following recovery. People who have experienced this situation are four times more likely to suffer a vascular accident .

Neurological damage

Other consequences of the coronavirus include dizziness, anosmia (loss of smell), myalgia and headache . Likewise, many patients have suffered encephalopathies, epilepsy and damage to the peripheral nerves . Viriasis, hypoxia, and inflammation of the brain have also been detected.

Even so, scientists are not yet very clear about how Covid19 affects neuronal tissue, but what they do know is that the damage occurs due to a combination of the effects of the infection itself and the lack of oxygen .

secuelas más frecuentes que la COVID19 puede producir


Even those patients who have already been discharged continue to suffer fatigue , feeling short of breath and constantly coughing. Without a doubt, a very uncomfortable situation that does not allow them to live their day to day normally.

Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are also part of the consequences of the coronavirus . Many patients feel very disoriented after spending many weeks in the hospital or being locked up at home. Therefore, something as essential as sleep is impossible for them to do.

Emotional frailty

Many people have been saturated due to the situation that has been experienced by the pandemic in recent months. Fear, uncertainty and frustration are sensations that have accompanied and continue to accompany society while trying to get an effective vaccine forward. For this reason, especially those who have had to live a traumatic experience in the hospital or have had to isolate themselves in a room in their house so as not to infect the people with whom they lived, feel very sensitive to any external experience. Thus, the urge to cry multiplies , even plunging into a state of permanent sadness .


Taking into account that we feel broken inside, it does not help the fact that another of the most frequent sequelae that COVID19 can produce is alopecia , with which we feel even more insecure. It is no longer only the weakness of the body, but also affects the moments of tension that have dominated the lives of many people in recent months.

alopecia, una de las secuelas más frecuentes que la COVID19 puede producir

Skin lesions

Skin lesions have been discovered weeks after the pandemic began, as experts have often needed more advanced studies to confirm that some effects were a consequence of the coronavirus . Although in principle they are not serious, they do bother, and a lot, those who suffer them. In addition, as with the previous point, these directly affect the patient's self-esteem .

Loss of functionality

This is not the first time we have heard that there are people who have to relearn how to walk . Due to the amount of medication they must take and that they cannot move as they do in their usual life, the weakness is felt throughout the entire body . There are those who take only a few days to return to normal, while others take much longer, always depending on someone to move.

Coping with Covid19

What health professionals never tire of asking is not to lower their guard at any time. Covid19 continues to live with us, it is very contagious and, as we have seen, we are not talking about a simple cold, but about a disease that can seriously affect human beings .

Thousands of people have lost their lives and many still have to face the consequences of this virus, which at the moment does not have a cure. Now, it is true that the best way to fight against it is to be united and care not only for ourselves, but also for others .


In this way, although we are not afraid of what may happen to our body, we have an obligation to think about what can happen to the person next to us. It has become evident that those with previous heart problems, those who have cancer or those who have an older age , among others, can even lose their lives if they become infected. This shows that it is not an individual problem, but a social one, in which the gesture of each one counts.

We just have to comply with some rules to be able to end any negative situation. Among them are wearing a mask, not promoting social gatherings, washing hands and keeping social distance even if we think we are not infected. So everything will be better.