Should we eat at the same time every time?

All experts recommend having a schedule for meals, either because we want to lose weight, gain muscle volume, maintain or define. But is it necessary to eat at the same time every day?

If we don’t like routine, we might think about reconsidering our daily approach, especially if we’re prone to eating dinner late after a busy day at work or skipping breakfast. According to science, not eating at the same time could always be totally affecting your health. In fact, irregular meals can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

prevents certain diseases

The University of California conducted a study stating that eating at the same time can always help fight dementia or Huntington’s disease . Guided by a schedule to eat, improves the ability of the region of the brain associated with the control of the body.

On the other hand, other scientists did some studies with mice. Half were given a constant supply of daily food for three months. The rest received the same amount of food, but it was only left for 6 hours a day. Those who had a controlled time were seen to improve their motor skills and their quality of sleep. Comparing it to humans, timing meals is necessary for our circadian rhythm.

In addition, science supports that adults who eat meals at the same time each day are less obese and have better cholesterol and insulin levels, despite consuming more calories overall. The moment of eating seems to be as important as what we eat.

personas que comen a la misma hora

Helps lose weight

Going by predetermined schedules does not imply that there is an exception for some unforeseen event or because we feel like getting out of the routine on a specific day. What is important is to create habits so that our body keeps functioning at an optimal level. That is why it is necessary to have a few hours of sleep, to eat, etc. In fact, surely when we have been with changed schedules, the body has suffered.

In addition, having a schedule to eat will help us not to feel constantly hungry . We can be flexible around an hour earlier or later than the established time, but no more. It is recommended to skip the main meals so as not to notice negative symptoms in the long run.

Inconsistent eating can affect our internal body clock. This is because the metabolic process, including appetite, digestion and the speed with which the body processes fat, sugar and cholesterol, follows a pattern that repeats itself every 24 hours. Once we disrupt that process by eating at random times every day, we run the risk of weight gain and other health risks.

Dividing meals throughout the day makes us recharge energy every few hours. You have to think that food works like a fuel, if we don’t recharge throughout the day our energy will decline. Therefore, eating at the same time can help us lose weight and lose weight.