The 5 best foods you can eat when you travel by plane

Traveling by plane sometimes requires taking particular measures or precautions contrary to the daily routine. In the case of food, there is no exception.

Certainly, there are foods that will make your trip a nightmare, as well as others that will allow you to reach your destination perfectly, without any feeling of bloating, fluid retention, etc. Therefore, take into consideration some foods that you can eat when traveling , regardless of duration or flight schedule. They will serve you to fully enjoy the view in the heights and arrive feeling wonderful.Qué comer para viajar en avión sin dolor estomacal

5 best foods for when you travel by plane

1. Cherries

This food, in addition to being an incredibly nutritious fruit, is one of the few natural sources of melatonin, a fundamental hormone in regulating sleep.

Eating a few cherries during your flight could lead to a pleasant and well-received sleep that will shorten your journey. No matter how you prefer it, be it fruit or juice, consuming this food consecutively can add 90 minutes per night to your average sleep.

Beneficios de comer cerezas a la hora de viajar

2. Lemon

Lemon is a wonderful fruit for air travel . Its acids are incredibly beneficial for jet lag and motion sickness. In addition, it is able to reduce dizziness and dehydration. But its benefits do not end at the end of the flight, since eating lemon after arriving at your destination can reduce anxiety, depression and post-vacation sadness.

El limón reduce la ansiedad y la depresión

3. Quinoa

Those carbohydrates will be more than welcome by your body as soon as you reach your destination. Being complex carbohydrates, these grains will provide you with the lasting energy you need to combat jet lag and the typical fatigue of travel.

Mejores alimentos para combatir el jet lag

4. Bananas

Many people consider the banana to be a very heavy fruit on the stomach, and they tend to avoid it if they plan to travel by plane. However, the banana is a good food to eat if you travel by plane, thanks to its high content of tryptophan, an amino acid that considerably improves the ease of sleeping by activating serotonin and melatonin in the brain.

La banana te puede ayudar a dormir

5. Cumin

This well-known spice is vital for reducing upset stomachs caused by air travel. Your digestion can be affected during a long trip and cumin reverses any negative effects to get your stomach back on track when you reach your destination.

What’s more. cumin is a natural tranquilizer and can help normalize sleep patterns. You can even consider consuming cumin every night to reduce the effects of jet lag.

El comino ayuda a combatir el jet lag


Taking the necessary precautions to travel by plane also concerns the food you will eat before, during and after the flight. These foods will help you enjoy a flight with a controlled stomach, help you fall asleep and combat the effects of jet lag when you hit the ground.

Consume these ideal foods to eat if you travel by plane and free yourself from the physical limitations that this activity can lead to on your health.


  • Hargrave, H. 5 Best and Worst Foods to Eat When Flying. For Livestrong [Revised January 2018].