Mango gazpacho with shrimp

Taking advantage of the fact that we are in a perfect time to consume fruits and vegetables in fresh dishes, I want to show you one of my favorite recipes. I am a crazy lover of the classic gazpacho (and more being from the south), but I have also tried different versions with fruits. Without a doubt, the mango gazpacho is my favorite, surpassing even the tomato one. You are going to discover a whole new experience for your palate, and you will be surprised by how rich it is.

Why accompany it with seafood?

The magician is a sweet fruit, although it also has its citrus point. The contrast with the freshness of the seafood is wonderful. You can choose the companion that you like the most, even grilled or baked fish. Its texture is so smooth and the flavor so light that I assure you that you could feed on this alone for years.

The spices you choose are the ones that you like the most, although I advise you to have a little spice to enjoy various contrasts in your mouth. Of course, you must take it very cold. You can let it cool in the fridge for about 3 hours, or add crushed ice so that it is also a little thicker. Do you dare to try?

gazpacho de mango


  • 1 kilo of pear tomatoes
  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • 1 chive
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 150 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 grams of prawns (without head)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Spices to taste (hot paprika, cloves, ginger, anise …)


We prepare the prawns

Cook the shrimp tails for a minute in water with plenty of salt. Peel them and set aside in a small bowl. Add the spices you have chosen, the peeled garlic cloves, a pinch of salt and a little olive oil. Mix everything well, cover it and put it in the fridge.

We prepare the mango gazpacho

In a mixer or Thermomix, we introduce the kilo of tomatoes, the two ripe mangoes, the vinegar, the chives, the olive oil and the pinch of salt. We crush well. If it is too thick, add a little cold water and beat again.

Put it in the fridge and let it cool for 3 hours,

Serve it all together!

Take the prawns out of the bowl. Pour the gazpacho in different dishes and accompany it cold with the prawns.