Low fiber foods for bland diet

Fiber is good, we know that, but we are not all the same or healthy every day. There are times in life when we need low fiber foods and this is where this article comes in. In addition, it is also interesting for those people who have had bowel surgery, who have a tumor, have a narrowing of the intestine, receive treatment that damages their intestines, have an inflammatory disease, etc.

Fiber promotes intestinal transit, apart from helping to cleanse the body of toxins and even lowers blood sugar. But we are not all in the same health, so it is important to know low fiber foods when we need them.

Depending on our tolerance or health condition, we may be interested in eating a low fiber diet, which is why today we have proposed to specify which of all the foods available to us has less fiber.

We should not eat a low-fiber diet if it is not indicated by a doctor , since there are a number of contraindications that can put our health at risk. For example, by reducing fiber consumption, we will go to the bathroom less, we could suffer from diabetes, colon cancer, cardiovascular problems, constipation, diverticulosis, gas, pain, etc.

A normal adult should consume about 70 grams of fiber a day, and if we consume too much fiber we will know it because we will have diarrhea, the absorption of nutrients is reduced, we will have abdominal bloating, discomfort, abdominal pain, gas, etc.

Un hombre con alimentos bajos en fibra

Low fiber foods

If we think of a low fiber diet or diet, it is quite likely that we think of an UNhealthy diet. And that is quite true, but, although we are drastically reducing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes, cereals and seeds, we must take care of our health and know very well how to cook low-fiber foods so as not to gain weight or put at risk our health.

Fruits and vegetables

Yes, we can eat fruits and vegetables, but be very careful, since not just any fruit or any vegetable is worth it. For example, we can eat lettuce, onion, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, aubergines, carrots, beets, green beans, asparagus, etc.

With regard to fruits, we can eat apricots (which are very ripe), bananas, seedless melon, papaya, nectarine, peach and plum. Canned fruits if we can eat them, like canned vegetables. At the end of the article we indicate the fruits that we should avoid in a diet without fiber.

Breads and cereals

The only thing we have to verify is that they have less than 2 grams of fiber for each serving or serving of 100 grams, so touch read label by label. And as we are, we appeal to sanity, it is one thing to choose foods low in fiber and another thing to forget about fats and sugars.

Greasy and sugary products do us no good when it comes to diarrheal processes. That is why soft diets rarely accept white bread, in any case quality bread (not wholemeal) and toasted, but without butter or olive oil, or anything sugary like jam or Nutella.

Meat, fish and shellfish

If we want low-fiber foods, we must choose meats, such as, for example, pork, beef, beef, lamb, chicken with skin, turkey, rabbit, etc. The meat must be well cooked, otherwise it could be counterproductive and cause diarrhea, vomiting and other equally unpleasant consequences.

White fish and blue fish are also well received in this type of low fiber diet. They are healthy foods and we can consume them daily without problems. Be very careful when cooking them, they must be well done and you have to take care of the seasonings and accompaniments on the plate so that they are low in fiber. For example, the dish in the lower photo would be perfect, as long as we don’t eat the broccoli and change it for cucumber, zucchini or asparagus.

Pescado con brócoli

Oils and dairy

Eggs are essential foods in our day to day, just like dairy. We can eat whole cow’s milk, cured and all kinds of cheeses, natural yogurts (without nuts and without fruits), as well as a maximum of 2 eggs a day. If we can eat eggs, always taking care of our health, cholesterol levels, above all.

We can take extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil , but we must avoid abusing it, as it will cause the opposite effect. We can also take butter and margarine, but we recommend controlling the ingredients and that they are as healthy as possible, that is, avoiding sugars, excess salt and poor quality oils.

You should avoid these foods

Obviously, we must avoid foods rich in fiber, such as all kinds of legumes; whole grains; seeds of all kinds, including those of fruits and vegetables; fruits such as pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, figs, prunes, and the vast majority of vegetables; dried fruits; all whole wheat breads and whole wheat flours; spicy or spicy foods; fried foods with a lot of oil; juices with pulp (without pulp we can); neither coconut nor any derivative of it; potato with skin (without skin if we can, but not fried or oily); coffee and derivatives; foods that we already know decompose our stomach, etc.

Other things to avoid are calories, since there are many fatty foods in a low-fiber diet. This can lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar, increased levels of bad cholesterol , etc. Ultimately, we have to take care of our health more than ever.

We must also avoid all those foods that we do not tolerate due to food allergies, because they cause us harm, we do not like them or because they go against other diets that we are following, such as a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Sugars in times of diarrhea are very negative, so recommending drinks such as Gatorade or Aquarius is negative for our intestinal flora. Although it seems that these types of isotonic drinks help us to cut down on diarrhea and vomiting, they actually worsen the state of our stomach health.