Knee pain: how to choose the right knee brace

Knee pain is very common. It affects both young and old people . It can occur after a sports injury or appear suddenly, but it always has an origin. In general, the pain increases over time, so it is advisable to remedy it as soon as possible to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Causes of knee pain

As for the causes of knee pain, there are many factors that influence the appearance of this discomfort.

Injuries: one of the most common causes of knee pain

As we discussed at the beginning of this article, sudden knee pain is usually due to an injury. This injury may have occurred in any of the parts that make up the joint . However, there are some injuries more common than others.

fracture in the bone

The fracture is an injury that causes a lot of discomfort and that prevents the mobility of the joint . Fractures can occur both in the patella and in any other bony structure of the knee. Generally, they occur after a fall or accident, being very rare that they occur suddenly in people without bone problems. To avoid fractures, it is extremely important to exercise carefully and always with the necessary knowledge or the help of a professional. Treatment usually involves placement of a splint or cast . Sometimes, an operation must be resorted to in order to heal the bone.

anterior cruciate ligament injury

There are four ligaments that join the tibia with the femur , the anterior cruciate ligament is one of them. This injury is very common in soccer players . In the case of athletes, it is common to resort to surgery . However, treatment usually consists of: rest, elevation and physical therapy rehabilitation.

meniscus tear

The meniscus is a “c” shaped cartilage whose function is to cushion the impact received by the knee when walking, running, jumping or practicing any type of sport or daily activity. There are two menisci: the outer and the inner . Tearing of these is quite common and is usually caused by quick turns. Depending on how the tear is, surgery may be needed to repair it. However, in minor tears, only physiotherapy treatment and rest are necessary.


Tendinitis is nothing more than the inflammation of a tendon , which arises from excessive and constant use of it. To treat it, stretching and strengthening exercises are usually performed, as well as iontophoresis therapies .

How to relieve knee pain?

First of all, it is important to go to the doctor or physical therapist to evaluate the origin of the pain. However, there are several tips to relieve knee pain and prevent whatever is causing it from getting worse.

The first advice of all, and the one that is applied at first to any ailment, is to rest . Try not to force the joint and rest for a few days from physical training. Take the elevator instead of the stairs and try not to spend too much time on your feet. If you feel that your knee has lost stability due to the injury, you can wear a knee brace . You will find different pharmacy knee pads, which serve to protect the injured knee and improve stability. These therapeutic elements reduce the pressure suffered by the injured areas and, in some cases, are used to delay surgery.

How to choose the right knee brace?

When choosing the best knee brace, you must first know what causes knee pain . Once you are clear about this, you can buy one knee brace or another. For example, if you suffer from arthritis, ligament sprains, or meniscus injuries , neoprene knee sleeves are recommended. On the other hand, those made of elastic fabric are better for preventive use , since they do not provide great support.

Finally, it is essential to choose the appropriate size , in order to ensure that the knee heals well and not worsen the situation.