5 rubber band exercises to tone biceps at home

Rubber bands are practical accessories that can help you improve your stamina and strengthen different parts of your body. By including exercises with rubber bands to tone biceps in your routines, you can exercise your arms in a practical way .

Similarly, another benefit of these exercises is that they will allow you to reduce costs, as they can replace other more expensive accessories. In addition, due to the ease of moving the tires, you can train at any time . Learn about the best exercises with rubber bands to tone biceps!

Ejercicios con goma elástica para fortalecer tus brazos

Best rubber band exercises to tone biceps in a practical way

Military press with elastic band

This is one of the best rubber band exercises to tone biceps, triceps, delts, and pecs , as it is focused on the upper body. In this way, you can include this variant of the military press in your routines to develop the muscles of your arms.

Steps to make the military press with elastic band.

  1. Stand in an open space where you can extend your arms freely.
  2. Separate your feet the same distance as your shoulders.
  3. Position yourself on the rubber band so that your weight presses it against the ground.
  4. Hold the ends of the rubber band with your hands and extend your arms above your head.
  5. Bend your elbows and keep your palm forward. In this step your hands should be at the height of your shoulders.
  6. Extend your arms over your head again and repeat several times.


To do this exercise it is advisable to use a rubber band that is a little longer than the distance from your feet to your shoulders . In the same way, to have a better performance it is recommended that you have grips. Also, to maintain balance you must contract your abdomen and keep your back straight.

Rowing with elastic band

This variety of rowing will help you strengthen your upper body and core , helping you improve your strength and endurance. In this way, it is one of the exercises with rubber bands to tone biceps, lats and traps, as well as the arms and back in general .

Steps to do the rubber band row

  1. Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs extended forward.
  2. Place the middle part of the rubber band at the bottom of your feet and grasp the ends with your hands . The rubber should be about twice the length between your feet and your knees.
  3. Bend your elbows trying to bring the ends of the elastic band closer to your shoulders.
  4. Extend your arms again and repeat from the starting position.


To improve your performance when doing this exercise, it is recommended that you keep your back as straight as possible . In the same way, to increase the demand of the exercise you can reduce the length of the rubber and also bend your knees.

Bicep curls, one of the best rubber band exercises to tone biceps

This variation of the push-up will help you exercise your biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, wrist flexors, delts, traps, and scapulars . In this sense, it is one of the most complex exercises to work the arms and shoulders in a comprehensive way.

Steps to do rubber band standing pushups

  1. Stand on the middle of the rubber band . It is important that the rubber has a length a little less than twice the distance between your feet and hips.
  2. Take the ends of the rubber band with your hands , keeping the palm of your hands facing your body. Similarly, your elbows should remain close to the body throughout the exercise.
  3. Bend your elbows trying to bring the ends of the elastic band as close as possible to your shoulders.
  4. Extend your elbows again and repeat the exercise several times.


To avoid putting pressure on unwanted areas during exercise, it is important to keep your back straight and your elbows at your sides . Likewise, to increase the demand, you can also bend and extend one of your knees using a shorter rubber band.

French press with elastic

This is one of the rubber band exercises to tone biceps and triceps simultaneously and without much difficulty . In addition, this exercise will help you get better results in your arms and, in some variants, you can strengthen your neck muscles.

Steps to do the French press with rubber band

  1. Attach the elastic band to an anchor point , so that it is taut in the place where you decide to do the exercise.
  2. Grab the ends of the rubber and lie down facing up on the floor or a flat bench. In this step, you must keep your elbows bent above your head.
  3. Extend your arms forward , keeping your back straight and your head on the support.
  4. Bend your elbows again until you return to the starting position and repeat several times.


If you don't have an anchor point, you can press the rubber band against the mount with the help of your head . In this way, you can also exercise your neck muscles by generating pressure in this area.

Chest opening with elastic band

This is another of the exercises with rubber bands to tone biceps, delts and shoulders in a comprehensive and dynamic way . With it you can exercise your arms and shoulders at the same time without the need to use weights or machinery.

Steps to do the pectoral opening

  1. Attach the middle part of the rubber to a bracket on the wall or vertical surface.
  2. Stand upright, facing away from the anchor point of the rubber.
  3. Grab the ends of the rubber band and walk forward until it's taut.
  4. Separate your legs at the same distance from your shoulders , bend your knees a little and bend slightly.
  5. Extend your arms and try to push the ends of the rubber away from you.
  6. Bend your elbows and bring them behind your shoulders.
  7. Extend your arms again and repeat several times.


To do this exercise it is important that you keep your back straight and strategically position your feet to have a good balance . In the same way, you can do it without bending over and you will get similar results in your arms.