Is TRX training effective?

Training with TRX consists of exercising using special straps that can be attached anywhere, making it ideal for adding more variety to our training at home.

TRX exercises differ from traditional exercises in that your hands and feet are supported by a single anchor point, while the opposite end of your body is in contact with the ground. His idea is to take advantage of the force of your body and gravity.

However, it is worth wondering what benefits training with TRX can bring us, what difference exists between TRX and the typical exercises performed on a stable surface and to know if it can give you different results with respect to them.

How can training with TRX benefit us?

There is currently a great debate in the training world about whether training on unstable surfaces can lead to better results compared to training on stable surfaces. In general, it is said that training while standing on an unstable surface appears to detract from its benefits.

A recent study tried to find out the effects of TRX training. They compared the exercises performed with the TRX with more traditional versions of the exercises. Given the similarity between a TRX and some styles of gymnastics, it is possible that the results translate to any similar exercise.

Looking at that study, there is good reason to believe that TRX training is better for activating muscles than training on a stable surface. When the researchers looked at training on an unstable surface, they concluded that it provides some unique effects. For example:

  • The shoulder muscles benefit the most.
  • It favors the muscular activation of other muscles, in particular the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus is one more muscle in the ribs that can be seen between your lats and abs, just below the pectorals. Its main function is the extension of the shoulder, so it can be easily perceived when we move the shoulders forward.

Qué tan efectivo es entrenar con trx

Among the stable exercises tested in this study are flexing, extending shoulder (its stable version would be the shoulder flexion) and bench press, while t he exercises TRX used in the study were flexes with TRX, TRX push and scapular flexion with TRX.

Spinal compression and shear strength were also analyzed, with no significant effects on any of the exercises although, in general, stable versions had lower spinal compression rates than unstable ones.

Es efectivo el trx

In which muscles is TRX training most effective?

The researchers concluded that exercises on stable surfaces have a greater effect on the serratus muscle . However, training with TRX to exercise the central part is the most recommended for giving its best results in this particular area of the body and in general it turns out to be more effective because:

  • Develop functional strength.
  • Improves flexibility.
  • You improve balance and stability.
  • Build stamina and coordination.

On the other hand, the TRX exercises had a greater impact on the pectorals, shoulders, triceps and lats .

These beneficial effects occur because TRX creates the resistance necessary to directly work each muscle in your body according to exercise. In addition, it favors the elderly because it allows them to move freely without falling and physiotherapists to rehabilitate their patients so that they can recover quickly from their injuries.

flexiones con TRX


  • When it comes to the abdominal muscles the TRX outperformed all other exercises.
  • TRX seems to better activate the muscles of the pecs, triceps, shoulders, and lats.

Therefore, TRX can be applied both by high-performance athletes and by those who want to improve their physical condition in a safe way, you can use it almost anywhere and you can count on personalized training programs that allow you to achieve your goals of strengthening your body and in particular your core.


  • Dupont, D. Science Tests the Effectiveness of the TRX. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised December 2015].