Is it healthy to drink mate?

Mate is a South American plant whose leaves are used to make this famous drink. It is typically consumed as coffee or tea, although it is also available worldwide in energy drinks, weight loss supplements, and other beverages.

Yerba mate comes from a bush. It was originally used by the Guarani, who used its leaves as a drink and a bargaining chip with other prehistoric cultures.

Nutritional properties

The nutritional value will depend on the type of herb chosen and its manufacturer. However, normally for a cup (12 grams) of a yerba mate drink we find:

  • Calories: 15
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Sodium: 0 milligrams
  • Carbohydrates: 3 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugars: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0.5 grams

There are very few calories in this drink, and most come from carbohydrates. There is also no fiber, so carbohydrates come from sugars or starch. Keep in mind that not all mate is the same. Some mate drinks contain added sugars or other ingredients that change the nutritional profile. Added sugars are those that are added during processing. They are considered less healthy than natural sugars (such as fructose or lactose) found in fruits and dairy products.

As for fats, this nutrient does not exist in the drink, unless other ingredients are added. There is a small amount of protein, in which half a gram is provided. There are also few micronutrients in mate unless a brand-name drink includes other ingredients.

Advantages of drinking mate

Yerba mate is a traditional South American drink that continues to gain popularity around the world. It is said to have the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the joy of chocolate. It is supposed to provide several health benefits, although not all of them are supported by strong scientific evidence. In some cases, the risks may outweigh the benefits.

Greater energy and concentration

This herb contains caffeine naturally, and we all know that it is a known stimulant. It stimulates the central nervous system, the heart and the skeletal muscles. It can also help improve concentration, at least in well-trained people (those who are already capable of moderately intense bouts of physical activity).

Caffeine can also affect the levels of certain signaling molecules in the brain, making it particularly beneficial for mental focus. Several human studies observed improved alertness, short-term memory, and reaction time in participants who consumed a single dose containing 37.5-450 mg of caffeine. Also, those who consume mate regularly say it improves alertness like coffee, but without the jittery side effects.

It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients

It contains several beneficial plant nutrients, such as:

  • Xanthines: compounds that act as stimulants. They include caffeine and theobromine, which are also found in tea, coffee, and chocolate.
  • Derivatives of caffeoyl: main antioxidants that promote health in tea.
  • Saponins: they have certain anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties.
  • Polyphenols: large group of antioxidants, related to a reduced risk of many diseases.

Interestingly, the antioxidant power of mate tea appears to be slightly higher than green tea. In addition, it can contain seven of the nine essential amino acids, in addition to almost all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs. However, tea contains very small amounts of these nutrients, so it is unlikely to make much of a contribution to the diet on its own.

Improves physical performance

Caffeine is also known to improve muscle contractions, reduce fatigue, and improve athletic performance by up to 5%. Since mate contains a moderate amount of caffeine, those who drink it can expect similar physical performance benefits.

Greater reliance on fat for fuel during exercise saves carbohydrate stores for critical high-intensity times, such as biking uphill or running to the finish line. This could translate into better athletic performance.

Helps lose weight and belly fat

Animal studies show that yerba mate can reduce appetite and stimulate metabolism, which can help with weight loss. It appears to decrease the total number of fat cells and reduce the amount of fat they contain.

Human research suggests that it can also increase the amount of stored fat that is burned for energy. The caffeine in mate also increases gastric and colonic activity and acts as a diuretic. This can help mate drinkers achieve quick weight loss results, but only from water loss.

However, experts say that although it may have a moderate effect on body weight or a decrease in weight gain over time, there can be adverse effects, especially if taken for a long time or during pregnancy.

Lowers the risk of heart disease

It contains antioxidant compounds, such as caffeoyl derivatives and polyphenols, that can protect against heart disease. Cell and animal studies also report that mate extract may provide some protection against heart disease.

In humans, mate appears to lower cholesterol levels, although it is true that more studies are needed before solid conclusions can be reached.

mate en una calabaza

Possible downsides

Yerba mate is unlikely to harm healthy adults who drink it occasionally. However, those who drink it regularly may be at higher risk for the following.

Increased chances of cancer

Studies show that drinking large amounts of mate for a long time can increase the risk of upper respiratory and digestive tract cancer. One possible explanation is that mate contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), known carcinogens that are also found in tobacco smoke and roast beef.

It is also usually consumed at very high temperatures. This could damage the lining of the respiratory and digestive tract, increasing the risk of cancer cell formation. However, some of its compounds can protect against other types of cancer.

Caffeine-related side effects

Mate contains caffeine, and too much of it is known to cause headaches, migraines, and high blood pressure in some people. Pregnant women should limit their intake of mate to a maximum of three cups a day, as excess can increase the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight.

Yerba mate is a stimulant. Some people (even those who are not allergic to caffeine) may experience adverse effects from consuming stimulants even in small amounts. It can also cause problems if combined with other ingredients, especially stimulants. In one study, after acute ingestion of a weight loss supplement containing mate, caffeine, yohimbine, hordenine, and other ingredients, young, healthy individuals experienced increases in heart rate and blood pressure for three hours along with increased feeling of tension and confusion.

Drug interactions

Studies show that certain compounds in yerba mate have monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory activity. MAOIs are often prescribed as medications for depression and Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, people who take drugs of this type should consume mate with caution.

In addition, due to its caffeine content, it can also interact with a muscle relaxant or antidepressant. People taking these drugs should avoid it as it can increase the effects of the drugs.

hierba mate en una calabaza

How to store mate herb?

Yerba mate is an evergreen tree (or shrub) that grows in South America. The tree blooms between October and December. But the tea is available all year round. Yerba mate seeds are harvested from January to April and new plants are started between March and May. Some people grow yerba mate on their own, but most of the time it is purchased in prepackaged teas.

To store them properly, store yerba mate tea leaves the same way you would store any other tea leaves. In general, experts advise avoiding heat, humidity, light, air, and odors . Therefore, you should store your dried tea leaves in an airtight container in a cool, dark place, away from spicy and other smells. Use an opaque jar or container if you can.

Tea generally begins to lose flavor after about six months. You should consume the dry within a year. Loose leaf tea can be frozen, but it is not normally recommended.

Tips for preparing mate

This drink is traditionally served in a container called a pumpkin. It is usually drunk through a metal straw that has a filter at its lower end to strain the leaf fragments. It is important that to prepare mate, you fill the lower third of the gourd with dried or toasted mate leaves before adding hot water. If you don’t have this type of container, you can prepare it in a French press.

The tea is usually served with burnt sugar, lemon juice, or milk and can be topped up with hot water several times before using fresh leaves to make a new batch. Although traditionally consumed hot, yerba mate can also be served cold, especially in areas with hot climates.

To make yerba mate tea, you just have to follow the similar steps as you would with most traditional teas:

  • Place a tea infuser that contains about a tablespoon of loose tea leaves in a cup of tea.
  • Heat the water to 90-95ºC. If you don’t have a temperature-controlled kettle, bring the water to a boil, then let it sit for a minute to lower the temperature a bit.
  • Pour the water over the infuser.
  • Let the tea leaves steep for as long as you like.
  • Remove the infuser.