Is it bad to take painkillers regularly?

You may end your days with severe headaches. Or maybe you sprained your ankle while running. Or maybe you have cramps during your monthly flow. If you're like many people, your first line of defense against aches and pains is to take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen .

Additionally, physicians have reported increasing use among patients during the coronavirus pandemic as people opt for self-treatment to avoid potential exposure to the virus.

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Although pain relievers can be helpful when used as directed, many of us don't bother to read the label or stick to the parameters.

A January 2018 study in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety suggests that up to 15 percent of OTC pain reliever users took more than the recommended dose , 16 percent took ibuprofen every day, and 55 percent used it daily. least three days a week.

People think that this medicine is safe, as it can be bought at any pharmacy. But, in fact, you could face some pretty serious side effects if you take more than you are supposed to.

What are over-the-counter pain relievers?

Most of the pain relievers you see at the pharmacy belong to a class of drugs called NSAIDs , an acronym that stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs are the most widely used type of medicine in the world and include aspirin , naproxen, and ibuprofen, among others.

NSAIDs have three main properties: r educen pain, inflammation and fever. They are indicated for short-term pain relief. You are supposed to take them for a short period of time while you feel uncomfortable and then stop once you recover.

NSAIDs are generally safe and effective as long as they are taken within the recommended dose and period of time. Still, it's common for people to run to the pharmacy when they have a symptom and break a bottle of medicine without reading what's in the package. But the reason you have to limit the amount and duration is that no medication, including NSAIDs, is risk-free – the more you take and for longer, the greater your risk.

4 dangers of taking pain relievers frequently

NSAIDs can cause intestinal bleeding

The main side effect of taking too many pain relievers is ulcers – bleeding in the stomach or digestive tract. To relieve inflammation and pain, NSAIDs reduce prostaglandins , which are a substance in the stomach that protects against injury, including the formation of ulcers.

Lower levels of prostaglandins increase the likelihood of intestinal bleeding.

If you have stomach discomfort or pain, you feel dizzy, you are vomiting blood or your stools turn black, stop taking painkillers and see your doctor; these are common symptoms of intestinal bleeding.

Often times, stopping treatment is enough to get rid of the ulcer, but if there is a complication, you may need other medications, such as an acid reducer, to cure it. The chance of intestinal bleeding is low if you only take NSAIDs intermittently.

pastilla de analgesico

Heart disease and stroke increase

With the exception of aspirin, pain relievers can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke within a few weeks, although why this happens is unclear. Your risk could increase the longer you use them. Symptoms of heart failure or stroke induced by this drug include chest pain, shortness of breath, sudden weakness in one area of the body, and trouble speaking.

On top of that, an August 2014 study in American Family Physician confirms that ibuprofen leads to hypertension. When taken over a long period of time, they cause the body to retain sodium and salt , which can cause your blood pressure to rise.

That is why it is important to take the lowest dose for the shortest period of time to relieve pain and use it as little as possible.

They could damage your kidneys

The kidneys are a primary target when pain relievers are abused.

As NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, chronic use can result in kidney failure . This can happen in a number of different ways, including poor blood flow to the kidneys, an acute allergic reaction that occurs in the kidneys, and minimal change disease, a syndrome that causes protein to leak into the urine.

They can also worsen underlying high blood pressure , which can lead to acute and chronic kidney damage. Regardless of that, they can cause fluid retention and bloating in people who have cardiovascular problems, which can be toxic to the kidneys.

Kidney injury can present with swelling of the legs, decreased urination, and blood in the urine, but most people are asymptomatic. Unfortunately, kidney disease is a silent disease, and the only way to identify it is through blood tests.

They can give you more headaches

Medication overuse headaches also exist.

Taking NSAIDs daily indicates that there is pain that is not being treated. First, you need to explore why you need to take these drugs so often.

Can you accidentally overdose on pain relievers?

If you are thinking that you never took more pills than recommended, wait a second. A pharmacoepidemiology study that 37 percent of NSAID users take multiple forms of NSAIDs during the week; however, less than half of these people realized that all the products were NSAIDs.

Taking more than one type at a time increases the risk of side effects. People get in trouble because they take ibuprofen in addition to aspirin or another form of pain reliever.

Can you get hooked on NSAIDs?

Not really.

You will not develop the kind of dependency we see with opioids, where you become addicted and have withdrawal when you stop taking them. However, it is common for professional athletes, such as soccer players, to abuse NSAIDs.

If an athlete is injured to the point where pain prevents him from functioning at a high level, he may take high doses of pain relievers to numb the pain and improve his performance. Pain is a reminder to be aware of what is happening in your body.

5 tips to relieve pain without pills

PRICE test

Harvard Health urges people to manage sports injuries using a method called PRICE: Protection (tape, bandages, splints, etc.), Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

Consider physical therapy

A June 2017 review published in PLOS One found that physical therapy is effective in reducing ongoing back, neck, shoulder and knee pain.

Reduce cramps with movement

A January 2019 review in BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies confirmed that exercise has a large effect on reducing menstrual pain, while heat and acupressure have a moderate impact.

Observe your lifestyle

The American Migraine Foundation says that sleep, hydration, and vitamin B12 and magnesium supplements can help reduce headaches.

Become a pain detective

Finding out what the root of your discomfort is can offer clues to solve the problem. For example, if you've injured your knee while exercising, think about points to relax your muscles before a workout.

This is the safest over-the-counter pain reliever

If these home remedies don't work and you want a pain reliever, which one should you take?

Experts advise acetaminophen ; It has no cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, or kidney side effects and is fairly safe, as long as you don't have liver disease. The main side effect is liver toxicity, but it usually occurs in doses of more than 4,000 milligrams a day.

With that said, if you know which medication works best for you, it's okay to go straight to what's effective. After a few hours, if the pain persists or worsens, seek medical help instead of increasing your dose beyond the recommended amount.