Is granulated bee pollen good for the body?

Bee pollen is becoming fashionable, and as always we want to give real and scientific data on its use, both the benefits and the risks, since not everyone should consume granulated bee pollen. Here we will see if it is necessary or not for our health, from what age, how much, etc.

Granulated bee pollen are small, orange-colored balls of pollen made by bees themselves before turning it into honey. They extract it from the flowers and transport it to the panels and we humans take it as a food supplement.

Nutritional composition of pollen

Bee pollen has nutritional values and through these come the benefits that the agent talks about so much when she decides to try granulated bee pollen, although it can also be consumed in powder and in capsules.

This natural supplement (in most cases, since they are sometimes adulterated to create more quantity and sell cheaper) is made up of between 30 and 40% carbohydrates which, in turn, are simple sugars such as fructose and glucose.

Apart from this, we also have proteins. In this case, and for every 100 grams, we get 20% vegetable protein. Later we will see that those 100 grams are a bit far from the daily dose of granulated bee pollen.

As for fats, it is a very light supplement, since it provides less than 10
% fat. Among the fatty acids we find linolenic and linoleic, without forgetting phospholipids and phytosterols.

Regarding vitamins, we will get A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E and K. The minerals that this granulated supplement provides are: sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus and calcium.

Una abeja recolectando polen

Does it have benefits?

Now that we know the nutritional composition of bee pollen, we have to know if it has an effect on our body, that is, we are going to see if it has benefits and how it helps us. Later we will see the risks of consumption, that is, we will clarify who should not eat bee pollen.

The truth is that there is not much scientific evidence that this supplement helps our body a lot. That is to say, it can be used, but it will not help us eliminate cholesterol, nor fight against alopecia, nor is it good for colds, nor does it strengthen bones, nor does it improve vision, nor does it stimulate memory, nor does it enhance sexual activity. , etc.

It is much better to have a healthy, varied and balanced diet than to try to obtain nutrients through bee pollen supplements, or whatever. It is the same as substitute meals, we can take them sometimes, but they are not healthy, much less replace a real meal.

Improves mood

Some basic studies have found minimal improvements when it comes to calming nerves, stress processes or anxiety. Let’s remember that anxiety is a mental problem, and as such, it must be treated by professionals. If we feel anxiety, we should put ourselves in the hands of a psychologist, instead of looking for supplements or home remedies.

Reduces inflammation

Thanks to the antioxidants, this supplement manages to reduce inflammation, but very slightly and only for specific cases such as menopause or mild menstrual pain. It does not work as an anti-inflammatory for headaches or sore throats, bumps and falls or inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

It is good for digestion

It is known that it favors good digestion, since it regulates the digestive processes and that is due to the anti-inflammatory properties that bee pollen has, both granulated, powdered and in capsule.

This supplement could combat diarrhea, reducing discomfort, stomach pain and reducing abdominal distension. It should be said that if the diarrhea does not calm down and several days have passed, we should go to a specialist, since we could have some type of digestive disorder, for example.

Polen de abeja granulado

Dosage and how it is consumed

Throughout the text we have already anticipated that bee pollen is consumed granulated with liquids, powder or capsules. The most common today is granulated bee pollen that is sold in jars.

The maximum dose for a healthy adult and under the recommendation of a specialist is 30 grams per day for a maximum of 3 weeks . Then you can do a maintenance dose of 20 grams maximum per day and gradually decrease until you consume nothing.

As we have already seen, its benefits are not scientifically proven, perhaps in time they will be, but for now we do not have to believe that someone recovered their hair, cured diarrhea, or helped them with a respiratory infection, or it stimulated his concentration, among other “miracles”.

Those who recommend pollen usually advise that it be consumed before breakfast and can be mixed with cocoa, milk, juice, yogurt, in bread, with coffee, in pancakes, etc.

Who should not take bee pollen?

Like everything in this life, there is always a good side and a bad side, so now we have to tell who should never consume this supplement. In the same way that the supposed benefits are not proven by science, the same goes for pregnant (and lactating) women and minors . There is not enough evidence to know that bee pollen is good for you, on the contrary, it is believed that it could cause spontaneous abortions .

Those allergic to pollen should also not take this supplement, as the allergic reaction could cost them their lives. Let’s not pay attention to the desensitization about this product where it says that starting with a very low dose we can combat the pollen allergy itself. Be careful because we can suffer an anaphylactic shock .

In some people it can cause watery diarrhoea, vomiting, asthmatic reactions, skin rashes, abdominal pain, skin spots, blisters, body itching and redness, etc. Those people with problems in the digestive system, including the kidneys, should also not include this supplement in their regular diet.