Is being slim synonymous with being healthy?

We all have a friend who bases his diet on processed food or eats a lot but is still lean. Should we envy him? Is being slim synonymous with being healthy? Most people who want to lose weight want to be slim, so there are times when they turn to quick and miraculous methods.

We live in a society that encourages us to be thin, although in recent years a stronger and more defined body has been sought. Perhaps, many have understood that being thin does not mean being in good physical condition either.

Are you naturally thin?

There are people who tend to be thin due to their genetics and metabolism. Others, on the other hand, require a healthy diet and sports on a regular basis. Of course, you can also be thin because of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

You will understand that there are three different ways to be slim, but not all of them are healthy.

When you are naturally thin , it means that we have a faster metabolism than other people and that is why food is assimilated faster and does not accumulate as body fat. This does not give you the right to eat industrial pastries, pre-cooked foods, sweets, etc., although the most normal thing is to see how these types of people relax too much with taking care of their food.
But just because it doesn't influence body weight, it doesn't mean that our internal values are healthy. Most likely, these types of people suffer from cholesterol and sugar problems due to poor diet.

There are also people who become obsessed with looking thin and begin to eliminate food from their life. They reduce calories to the maximum, leaving the body without the necessary nutrients to perform vital functions.

Your goal should be to be healthy

Do you want to lose weight? Always bet on a healthy and balanced diet accompanied by physical exercise. Besides being the option that lasts over time, it is the one that will make you a healthy person. Being slim is fine to have it in your goals, but do not obsess and focus on it as a long-term goal.

We assure you that with these two keys you will become slim and healthy. In addition, there are people who when they reach their goal of thinness, decide to go on to look stronger or in better physical condition. Your goals, throughout your life, will change. Learn to love yourself and enjoy your body.

Ah! And do not be envious of those who eat a lot and everything they want. Surely your healthy diet is much more appreciated by your body.