Improve the appearance of your hands

The hands , behind the face, is the body area that most easily reveals our age . Over time, stains, dryness, more obvious veins usually appear, … Here are some tricks so that you can combat these evidences of the passage of time without the need for expensive treatments.


The dark spots on the hands appear mainly due to age. Although factors such as genetic predisposition or sun exposure can also influence. Our skin has a substance called melanin , which absorbs sunlight naturally and helps protect our skin from UV rays. With age, the cells that distribute these pigments begin to do so irregularly and spots appear in places where melanin accumulates.

Ideally, always use a high sunscreen , and apply depigmenting cream daily. Using both products, you will eliminate stains and prevent more from appearing.

Natural medicine

You can apply lemon juice on the hands 2 times a day.

Spread the pulp of aloe vera 2 times a day.

Pass a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide through your hands.


The skin on the hands is especially thin, so it is usual to find it dehydrated , especially in the winter months. One of the main causes of dry hands is contact with cleaning products and cosmetics. These weaken the skin's barrier function.

To combat this aspect, start washing them with lukewarm water , forget about doing it with hot water. It contributes to dry skin. Daily use a hand cream specially indicated for the hydration of dry skin. It is preferable that they contain oils, urea and panthenol . You should apply it throughout the day as many times as you need, especially after washing them.

Natural medicine

Heat a little olive oil and massage your hands for 5 minutes .

Coconut oil is also excellent, among its many properties, to hydrate the skin.

The rose hip , in addition to fighting dryness, is also indicated to lighten the spots.

We use our hands for almost everything on a daily basis. They are constantly exposed and the skin of this area suffers the consequences. If we take care of them carefully, we will make them look perfect!