If you are celiac, watch the labels twice

It is time to break a spear in favor of celiacs and end an urban legend: rich and healthy nutrition is possible for people intolerant to gluten . At the same time, the matter in nutrition is progressing a lot, and nowadays we can already see completely gluten-free cookies, gels, bars and supplements , which is a huge relief for the celiac.

However, it is already known that the only solution to being gluten intolerant is to run away from it for life, and on many occasions foods that promise not to have wheat, barley or rye end up having some trace that destroys our day. For what is this? We give you some tips to avoid startles.

The fashion to avoid gluten

Currently, fruit in many cases of the necessary boom in gluten-free products, many non-intolerant have joined the consumption of products for celiacs , mainly for gaining weight and offering heavy digestion. For this reason, just as pasta was basic years ago, many now reject it, and this also affects intolerant people.

And they cannot trust anyone. Obviously running away from gluten requires a learning curve , so do not accept a homemade recipe from a colleague who has shown solidarity with your diet. A little clean board with a trace, a frying pan with the same oil for a couple of days or a simple ignorance can make you end up eating a cereal that affects you. Therefore, the only expert is you .

Watch the labels even more

This should not surprise you at all. If you are gluten intolerant, yours has been a continuous crusade against the labeling of each product looking for that cereal or that starch or starch that you cannot take. However, currently offering a theoretically gluten-free product is one more marketing reason , and under this premise there may be more than one risk. Labeling is the key, and not the packaging. Yes, it is true that thanks to a supermarket chain such as Mercadona, you can now take almost everything gluten-free, but you always have to keep an eye on it.

There are more cereals

There is no reason to say goodbye to cereals in a sharp and restrictive way. Currently, thanks to the boom in cereals coming from the east and from other endless places, foods such as quinoa, millet or the standardization of corn flour compared to wheat flour have opened an important range of cereals that will allow not having to take away from a fried, a sweet or bread.

Explore recipes and preparation methods that the Internet is immense, and thanks to the globalization of these products, their price is no longer so prohibitive.

Always cook first

As a last tip, one that will come in great to alleviate hunger as soon as possible after returning from training. It will be highly recommended to have your own kitchen utensils , or else wash them before each meal. The first oil, which is for you, and at the same time make your family aware of hygiene. Only then will we avoid any unexpected trace of cereal.