How to use sliders to increase the intensity of your training?

When your typical bodyweight workouts start to feel a bit boring, using a pair of sliding discs can help improve things. Sliding discs add an element of instability, forcing you to recruit more muscles to maintain proper form and perform movements.

They are an amazing tool for adding more challenges to your exercise routine. They force you to activate your core during exercises, but they do much more than that. They can work every muscle in your body, build strength, and even help improve your conditioning and respiratory system.

mujer usando sliders discos deslizantes

How do sliding discs work?

Instead of placing your feet or hands on the floor for a certain exercise, you will place them on a sliding disc, which moves on a flat surface.

A movement like that of a traditional climber can be difficult for some people, especially with the impact of the toes when changing legs. Sliders eliminate rebound of the equation and provide a transition time in the aspect of voltage for the whole movement.

Because of that extra time under tension, you must move more slowly and with control to keep your muscles engaged. They allow for gradual movement through eccentric and concentric muscle contractions , which is when you lengthen or shorten your muscle during an exercise, as well as isometric work, which is static contraction or the amount of time you hold an exercise without moving.

Sliding discs are also versatile enough that beginners and more experienced athletes can benefit from it. You can use them for low-impact movements and full-body work, which generally involves the legs and arms, and focuses heavily on the core muscles in an unconventional way.

Plus, being small and lightweight, sliders are a perfect on-the-go training tool. Sliders are a great option when looking for something you can put away for travel or just hitting the gym or the park. They allow you to get a lot of moves with a simple team

What should you keep in mind before buying them?

Although most slide discs are circular, they come in different shapes such as ovals and hexagons. The shape you choose depends on how you plan to wear them and the size of your hands and feet. For example, an oval one could provide more surface area to plant your limbs.

They are also generally double- sided, so you can use them on different surfaces. The surface you will use them on is important. Typically, grass or carpet would require a hard bottom slider, while some home gym or hardwood floors would require slider pads with a felt-like material on the bottom.

Also, you want to make sure that at least one of the surfaces is easy to grip and doesn't slip when things get hot.