How to train the squat if you are a powerlifter

The loaded squat is one of the basic exercises that anyone should master when starting weight training – we all agree on that. However, there are some points about this exercise that are controversial.

While many athletes remain determined to train the squat with precise technique , standardized for all cases, others have understood that each variant of this exercise has its own requirements. The latter is undoubtedly the case for racing powerlifters.

The powerlifting squat is not the same as the traditional squat: its greater intensity and special circumstances give way to a more careful technique, which should be analyzed carefully.

Sentadilla con barra baja en powerlifting

How to train the squat in powerlifting

1. How many types of squats are there?

Despite what it may seem from the outside, the biomechanics of the squat is not the same for all athletes, and that even if we refer only to the most common type of barbell back squat. Let’s not talk about the different variants that can be obtained: the number can reach tens.

Now, for the case of this analysis we will say that there are these four types of squat:

  • Squat with body weight : the traditional squat, where many sin of ignorance neglecting the upright posture of the back or the correct separation of the legs, but without causing major consequences.
  • Squat with loads : The use of bars, dumbbells or kettlebells incorporates some effort and the technique will have to be worked with more care. However, it does not represent a danger in most cases.
  • Weightlifting squat : the load is higher, and the exercise has a significant degree of difficulty. However, an athlete with good technique can perform it with agility and a certain degree of speed. It is also the deepest type of squat you can find.
  • Powerlifting squat: Without a doubt, this is the most demanding type of squat. The weight is much higher, so it is common to use racks to take the weight before its execution. The movement of descent and ascent is fluid, but slower and more controlled than in the other cases.

Biomecánica de la sentadilla en powerlifting

2. Squat technique in powerlifting

As we all know, in powerlifting you work with loads higher than those of other lifting styles. This means that the safety measures must also be superior, which ends up having a significant influence on the lifting technique.

These are the 5 principles that you should take care of in the classic version of the powerlifting squat :

  • Leg position: In order to better maintain balance and distribute the load well, the powerlifter should stay with the legs slightly wider than the width of the hips, with the balls of the feet facing out at an angle of 45 °.
  • Grip of the bar: the bar is taken from behind, supporting the weight on the middle part of the shoulder blades, which must be contracted – there is another version, the so-called low bar squat, but this requires a bit more experience. Hands should be wider than shoulder width apart, elbows pointing down. In addition, some athletes use thumb pressure on the fingers to secure the bar: if it is comfortable, you can use it, although it is not essential. What is essential is that the bar is always on the axis of your feet when going up and down.
  • Back posture: the back should be straight, so that the chest is always out. The trunk may lean forward a bit when using the low bar, but not too much, or the lower back will be affected. Remember: the trick is in the alignment between the feet and the bar.
  • Downward movement: must be done smoothly, but with control. The depth can vary, although generally the thighs and hips are slightly below the parallel line.
  • Climbing Movement: For many, this movement is the most critical part of the exercise. At this point it is essential that the impulse to go up does not come only from the knees, but that the work also sits on the thighs, hips and buttocks.

Técnica de la sentadilla en powerlifting

3. How deep should the squat be in powerlifting?

This is the most controversial point about the powerlifting squat : how deep it should be.

To say it once and for all, the truth is that there is no exact parameter of how much to lower in the powerlifter squat . It all depends on the type of competition for which each person is going to prepare. However, there are limits.

Jurors such as those of the International Powerlifting Federation recommend a maximum range of 2.5 cm to 5 cm of hip drop below the horizontal line. A depth greater than this can not only be dangerous for those who do not have much experience, but it would not really represent major benefits, since muscles such as the quadriceps and gluteus maximus are activated more in the middle phase of the squat, when the thighs are parallel to the ground.

Profundidad de la sentadilla en powerlifting

4. Tricks to train the squat in powerlifting

As you gain experience in powerlifting, you will be able to take the basic squat technique and adapt it a bit to your personal lifting style. These training tips will help you get there:

  • When you’re away from a competition, practice the high bar squat behind the neck. Then gradually lower the bar as you get closer to the competition. This will give you more dexterity and confidence, and will guarantee equal strength in the knees and hips.
  • Do not neglect the other accessory exercises of powerlifting. Although the squat is a fairly complete exercise on its own, adding variety to your routine will ensure success.
  • Don’t underestimate the use of knee warmers. In the long term, they can help you avoid hamstring strains and other conditions that could be disasters.
  • Save short bursts in your workouts and look for other forms of non-linear training. Clusters or pyramidal series are good examples.
  • If in addition to powerlifting you train weighlifting, always be aware that they are different techniques. You shouldn’t let squat depth become an obsession for you.

Sentadilla de powerlifting perfecta


  • Rajapaksa, Vid. How to Train the Squat for Both Powerlifting and Weightlifting. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised October 2017].