How to take care of your body this fall

Summer is a time when we enjoy multiple leisure options, however, we also tend to neglect certain healthy habits. This includes skin care, which is a negative factor for it.

Our skin is exposed to a greater extent to aggressive agents such as UVA rays, air conditioners, changes in the environment, alterations in eating and sleeping habits, which make our skin look dull, dry and with a rougher appearance.

In addition, we do not always take proper care and protect the skin, which increases the risk of small spots and damage over time.

When summer ends, it is important to pay attention to skin care to regain its luminosity and vitality. An option that has many advantages is natural and organic cosmetics .

What are natural and organic cosmetics

Natural and ecological cosmetics is a new way of understanding cosmetics . Doubts often arise about what it really is.

Natural cosmetics have the particularity of having a vegetable ingredient as the main active principle . In addition, the fact that it is organic means that all its ingredients come from organic land and crops , that is, they do not use the use of synthetic products, pesticides, etc.

Other characteristics of these cosmetics are that they do not use ingredients of animal origin , they take care of the environment during the manufacturing process and the packaging used is recyclable .

Advantages of natural and organic cosmetics

The skin absorbs all the products that we apply on it, so we must be careful and pay close attention to the ingredients of the products we buy, as they can cause long-term negative consequences.

The use of natural materials has many advantages , among which we can highlight:

  • Elimination of possible secondary consequences due to chemical components.
  • The best absorption of the product thanks to the use of natural ingredients.
  • They adapt to all skin types .
  • Value for money , since they last longer than conventional ones. With small amounts of product the results are visible.

With all the advantages of this type of cosmetic and to help the skin in its recovery process after the summer, there is a wide range of natural and ecological cosmetics , such as Weleda products.

Autumn skin care

Skin care includes a good diet . It is important to have adequate hydration , so it is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water daily. Likewise, it is positive to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables , as well as foods that contain antioxidants that improve recovery.

It is necessary to combine this internal care with an external care . Taking care of our skin externally, goes through carrying out some face and body care .

Face Care

To care for the skin on our face, it is necessary to have good hydration , apply scrubs and masks , and use sunscreen . In order to ensure quality care, we have several options available. For this purpose, the market offers us a range of products that nourish, hydrate and repair our skin.

For example, product lines from Granada, like those from Weleda, contain antioxidant ingredients that not only repair the skin, but also fight and delay aging by reducing wrinkles.

Body Care

Regarding the body, it is also important to pay attention and care. For this, it is beneficial to take short showers of warm water and hydrate the skin after each shower, especially in areas where there may be greater dehydration.

In this regard, we also have natural and ecological cosmetics on the market for your body, such as shower and bath gels, body oils and milks, and creams for hands, feet and legs, which repair and care for our skin.


After the damage that summer causes to our skin, it is important to pay attention and carry out care rituals that increase its hydration and repair .

For this, we have natural and ecological cosmetics that, thanks to their advantages, offer us a responsible option with our skin and the environment ; products that use 100% natural and organic ingredients of plant origin.

All natural and ecological cosmetics are extracted from crops and fields where plants are cared for and the rhythm of life is respected, collecting each plant when nature indicates. Thanks to this, they offer a range of products that care for, nourish and firm our skin , while taking care of our planet.