How to remove blackheads from your face safely

Generally, pimples and blackheads are considered a very annoying problem for people's faces, especially teenagers.

The problem with blackheads is that we tend to remove them using unsanitary methods, rather than removing the residue completely. What this does is to swell the area of the black point more, making it larger and painful when removing it again.

To remove blackheads safely , it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, who has the experience and the necessary tools to remove it without problems. But is it wise to remove blackheads on your own ? It can be, but it all depends on the method you are going to use.

Cómo quitarte los puntos negros de forma segura

Is it good to remove pimples from the face?

The ideal, as we have said, is to visit a dermatologist, but most people tend to remove them on their own since they find it very easy to do without having to visit an expert.

One of the best ways to remove a pimple is the following:

  1. Use a warm washcloth to hydrate and soften your skin.
  2. Proceed to remove it with a special tool called an extractor. This tool will make removing the pimple easier and less painful.

Most of the problem is that after removing one pimple, another one reappears over time. Therefore, dermatologists recommend using retinol or products that contain salicylic acid, which penetrates the follicles and helps loosen dead skin.

Apart from using these aforementioned products, you must have "a soft hand" when removing a pimple, because if you are too aggressive in removing all the contents of the follicle, you can end up causing more inflammation; therefore, it will cause you more pain and discomfort.

Finally, many believe that pimples should be squeezed until they bleed , after removing the scab that they form, but in no case should you do this, because you will be increasing the risk of scars; Also, you can make the blackheads reappear in the same place.

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Should you remove pimples yourself?

You have to make something clear: of all the places where a pimple can appear, the ones that appear on the nose are the most tempting. Not only because they can be observed more easily, but because they generally appear in groups, making removal unavoidable.

Not everyone can visit the dermatologist to remove pimples, so it's okay to do it yourself, as long as you use the proper methods and tools to do so. If you do it properly you can prevent them from reappearing in the same area for a long time, but if you are in the teenage stage, where pimples tend to appear commonly, then you will probably have to visit a dermatologist to be more careful when removing them.

Applying too much pressure to your face using sharp instruments can cause trauma to the skin. A broken skin barrier can lead to a skin infection or, in some cases, a scar.

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Methods to remove blackheads

Pore strips

Pore strips, also known as blackhead removers , are still a good option if you want to get rid of those pesky blackheads, as they are easily available at any nearby pharmacy or personal care store. You can use them to remove pimples from the nose, chin and forehead.

Face masks

On the market there are a large number of masks that claim to be effective in removing blackheads, but the best option you can use is a charcoal mask, which helps to remove impurities from the face.

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Scrubs and scrubs are an excellent option to remove blackheads on your face; they also help prevent future occurrences.

If you are one of those people prone to pimples, you should use scrubs that contain salicylic acid, which is a component that helps remove excess oil and exfoliates dead skin cells.

Mejores exfoliantes para eliminar los puntos negros


Microdermabrasion helps to detach or remove dead skin , including blackheads found on our skin, revealing much smoother and clearer skin.

Previously, these types of treatments were only performed in doctor's offices or in a beautician's office, but today you can find various personal microdermabrasion systems on the market that you can use at home.

We leave you the best offers of homemade microdermabrasion products

Blackhead extractor

A blackhead extractor is one of the best tools to combat pimples. You can find them in the market for a low cost and, if you use it well, it can be your best tool to cleanse your face .

To use the extractor:

  1. You should center the shin in the center of the loop on the removal tool.
  2. Then, you must press the skin and remove with the tool down. Remember that you should not press too hard, with a small use of force it should be more than enough to expel the dirt from your face .
Cómo utilizar el extractor de puntos negros

Can you remove pimples on your back at home?

Pimples that appear on the back are much more difficult to remove than those that appear on the face, for the simple fact that they are more difficult to reach and visualize.

One of the best solutions is to use an exfoliating mesh brush. You should also make sure to wash your back thoroughly every time you shower, preferably using a personal cleansing product that contains salicylic acid, which will help keep your body free of blackheads . An over-the-counter acne-fighting medicine can also help.

Cómo eliminar puntos negros de la espalda

Can you use toothpaste to remove pimples?

Many people use toothpaste to remove pimples , but the answer is simple: you shouldn't.

In the past toothpaste used to contain an ingredient called triclosan , which has antimicrobial properties. By reducing the levels of acne-causing bacteria on the skin, it is reported to help treat acne. However, because triclosan commonly caused allergic skin reactions, it was largely removed from toothpaste. Therefore, using toothpaste as a home remedy for blackheads is not recommended .

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Blackheads are an unpleasant and annoying problem that affects the vast majority of people, especially those who are in their teens.

If you are suffering from them, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist to be able to remove these impurities, but if you want to carry out this process at home, we offer you the best advice and we suggest different products and tools that you can use at home for easy removal.


  • Nicole, F. How to Remove a Deep Blackhead. For Livestrong [Reviewed July 2019].