How to reconcile daily training and work routine?

During the week, we are exhausted by the innumerable responsibilities that study or work entails; On weekends we want to take advantage of them to rest and enjoy our loved ones or catch up on housework. How to reconcile the daily training and the work routine then? If you find yourself in a similar situation, you are probably beginning to consider how to combine your health care with leading a full work and personal life. In this article we tell you how to do it.

Introduce healthy habits into your routine to reconcile daily training and work routine

When it comes to reconciling your daily training and work routine, as important as reducing the time you spend in the gym is working to assimilate good habits during the rest of the day. This will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle that requires less physical effort to stay healthy. Small changes such as stopping the elevator or getting off a couple of stops before reaching your destination when using public transport will help you burn extra calories each day without realizing it and keep you in shape. Other measures you can take are:

Use sports supplements

Sports supplements help you maintain the balance of nutrients in your body when you put it through daily exercise sessions. Olimp Sport Nutrition multivitamins, proteins and other supplements help you maintain your pre and post workout diet, which is essential for good muscle recovery and to keep your energy levels always high.

Plan your meals in advance

Create a weekly menu that helps you follow a balanced diet with less effort and try to prepare them the day before, because that way you will avoid skipping meals and then gorging yourself when you get hungry. Have a big breakfast to have enough energy throughout the day, and have a healthy snack (fruit, nuts …) between main meals.

Hábitos saludables para conciliar entrenamiento diario y rutina de trabajo

Hydrate yourself and avoid sugar

Drinking water is not only important during training, but throughout the day. To prevent fluid retention it is advisable to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. As for sugar, if you avoid taking it in excess, it will be easier for you to maintain a healthy weight.

Get enough rest

Nothing is more important to reconcile daily training and work routine than having a good night’s rest. Without energy you will not be able to be productive either at work or in the gym, and both the body and the mind need to recover and disconnect after the day. Turn off the television and put your phone aside and go to bed early, preferably at the same time every day.

Train more effectively

To find a way that workouts don’t take up too much time and influence other aspects of your life, you need to exercise quickly and effectively. Because if you make your time in and out of the gym more productive, you can slowly introduce physical exercise into your daily routine and still have time to take care of work and enjoy the rest of your life.

The best way to reconcile your daily training and work routine is by making changes to the duration and intensity of your exercises. To do this, do more reps with each set, decrease the rest period between sets, increase the weight you lift, or try exercises that target multiple muscle groups at the same time. A good way to do this is through short HIIT workouts.

We leave you an infographic so that you can visualize it better!

infografía de conciliación del entrenamiento diario y el trabajo