How to lose the fear of flying and achieve peace of mind travel

Flying can be a quick and easy way to get to a destination , but many people cannot get on a plane without losing their fear of flying. The fear of flying is also known as aerophobia, aviophobia, or flying phobia. Some people consider the fear of flying to be an irrational fear , considering that there is a 1 in 7 million chance of dying on a tourist flight in Europe, but this does not console those who suffer from this fear. Being afraid of flying is a serious phobia that many suffer from.

Not being able to fly due to overwhelming fear can hinder many from carrying out their personal and professional lives. For example, some miss family events or avoid getting into a job that requires travel. In this article, we will explore what are the causes and treatments, and how to control and lose the fear of flying.

What Causes This Phobia?

In 2001, there was an increase in those who are afraid of flying, this was due to the attacks that New York suffered on September 11, 2001. According to Gerd Gigerenzer, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, the year after this Date experienced a drop in air travel and an increase in deaths from traffic accidents. As more people chose to drive.

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However, according to experts, those who suffer from this phobia are not always afraid that the plane will crash . Watching the news of a plane crash can intensify fear, but it is not always the cause. Airports and airplanes are full of environmental triggers for different fears and anxieties. For example, most people who are afraid of flying are claustrophobic , and the thought of being locked in a small space on the plane triggers their fear. Other triggers for anxiety and fear can include long lines, noticing a serious look from a flight attendant, or the possibility of an invasive security check . Others fear having a panic attack while on the plane.

Having negative experiences on an airplane can also cause flight anxiety or create fear of flying. Experiencing turbulence, loud noises, pain from changes in air pressure, or any other negative aspect of flights can cause anxiety and lead people to associate that anxiety with the fear of flying.

Personality traits can also make people afraid of flying. For example, those who like to be in control may find it difficult to get on a plane and give up that control. Others may associate flying with a stressful life event. Being stressed out from work, marital problems, or a sick family member can create anxiety and prevent people from getting on the plane. Others base their fear of flying on misinformation about the dangers of flying. Growing up with parents who have this phobia can also make children feel danger and hold on to it as adults.

Techniques that can help you lose your fear of flying

A psychologist can help you lose your fear of flying through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy . Some of the techniques included in this therapy include exposure therapy, relaxation techniques, and cognitive restructuring. In the past, exposure therapy was performed on a real plane, but with the help of technology, this type of therapy can be done through virtual reality. Many people with this fear turn to drug therapy, but this is only only a temporary solution.

On the other hand, hypnotherapy is another option to help overcome the fear of flying. Hypnosis can help the person be calmer and more relaxed, allowing them to feel more confident and in control when on an airplane. A hypnotherapist will use relaxation techniques and the power of suggestion to help change the reaction to triggers. Hypnotherapy can help those who suffer from this fear turn flight into a positive experience.

Phobias are irrational, so for some, logic is a good antidote to losing the fear of flying . One option to overcome it is to read statistics related to successful flights by plane and learn stories from pilots who validate confidence when traveling by plane. It is normal for a fear to control the part of a person’s life, but facts and statistics help a lot, especially if they are stories of airline professionals . It’s easy to allow our fears to control us. Statistics and facts help, particularly from airline professionals. ‘